Chapter 1

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The object in Jordy’s pocket was about to burn a hole in it.  For the millionth time, he put his hand in his pocket to check that it was still there.  Amazingly, it was.  There were only about 5 families in front of him in line now.  It felt like it was taking an eternity to get to her.  His stomach was in knots; his hands were clammy.  He said a quick prayer that he wouldn’t throw up and that he would remember what he had rehearsed for the last several weeks.  Jordy looked over at his sisters, Sofia and Gabby.  They were excited – jumping around with their posters in hand, but they weren’t nearly as excited as he was.  He was literally about to meet the love of his life.  From the first time he laid eyes on her picture, he was enamored.  He knew all of her songs by heart.  He had brought 4 of his posters of her for her to sign.  He had more but he wanted to play it cool.

They were nearing the front of the line.  Jordy was so nervous.  His heart was about to beat out of his chest.  The concert had been incredible - seeing her on stage singing . . .  but to be able to see her close up in person. . .  “Breathe, Jordy, just breathe.” he said to himself.  He wished his mom was here with him.  Morgan was a great nanny, but she was not his mom.  He needed his mom to wrap her arms around him like she always did and tell him everything would work out as it was supposed to.  She had such a calming effect on him when he would get worked up.  Unfortunately, his mom had a work meeting in Chicago that had come up at the last minute and Aunt Quinn wasn’t able to cover for her, so she had to go. 

Just one more family ahead of them.  He could hear her laugh.  He could see her smile.  God, was she beautiful.  He started to feel weak in his knees.  His posters didn’t do justice to the sheer beauty of Demi Lovato.  Finally they had made it to the front of line.

“Hi, guys!  What are your names?” said Demi flashing a huge smile.

Jordy open his mouth to speak but nothing came out.  He just stared at her.  Sofia elbowed him in the ribs.

“Ouch, Sofiiiiia!” Jordy said grabbing his side.

Sofia edged herself in front of her brother.  “My name is Sofia.  I’m 6.  This is my baby sister, Gabby.  She’s 4.”

“I am NOT a baby!” said Gabby.

“Yes, you are.  You are only 4!” said Sofia.

Demi laughed.  “Well, I think you are a big girl, Gabby.”  Gabby smiled and stuck out her tongue out at her sister.

“And this . . .” Sofia said pointing to her brother.  “. . . is my brother, Jordy.  He has a crush on you.  That’s why he can’t talk.”

“SOFIA!!” Jordy said.  He turned a dark shade of red and pushed his sister.

Demi giggled and turned to Jordy and said, “You do, huh?” and then winked at him.  “How old are you?”

“I . . .  I . . .  I’m 6.  Sofia is my twin sister.” said Jordy.

“Hmmmm .  . . 6?  That’s a little young for me but you are adorable!” said Demi.

Jordy started to relax some and planted his feet with a little more confidence.  “I’m handsome!  That’s what my mom says.”

“Indeed you are!  Is this your mom?”  said Demi smiling.

“No, this is our nanny, Morgan” said Jordy.

“We brought our posters of you.  Can you autograph them?  Please, please, please?!? Gabby and I each have 1 poster but Jordy brought 4.” said Sofia.

“Absolutely!  You guys are too cute!” Demi giggled.

“SOFIA!” Jordy said getting embarrassed again.  He took a deep breath.  It was now or never.  “Can I hug you?”

Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now