Chapter 14

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The next morning, Santana entered Quinn's office and shut the door.

Quinn looked up from her computer. "I know that look. What's wrong?"

Santana sat in one of chairs across from Quinn's desk and sighed. "I saw Demi last night."

"Ok . . . and?"

"And nothing. She is officially dating Nick. I don't even know why it bothers me so much. The girl is into guys."

"Well, I know someone who can be pretty persuasive in swinging someone to the dark side." said Quinn smirking.

"Yeah, Hobbit owes me big time for that." said Santana returning the smirk.

"Santana, please stop calling Rachel, Hobbit. Ok? She is my wife. How many times do I have to remind you of this?"

"Sorry. Old habits die hard, ya know?"

"Kill it, stick a fork in it, toss it down a well - I don't care what you have to do, just stop already. This is the woman who I love - even more than you!"

Santana clutched her heart. "Say it isn't so, Quinn. How is that even possible?"

"I'm too lazy to come across this desk right now so do me a favor and slug yourself in the arm for me."

"Oh, now it has turned to physical violence? You've changed, Quinn." said Santana trying to contain her laughter.

"You're impossible, Santana"

"And that's why you love me."

"You're lucky I do because I wouldn't put up with your shit otherwise. So, are you going to spill whatever was on your mind when you walked in here?"

"Oh, that. Yeah, I guess." Santana shoulders slumped. "Demi and Nick are going dancing next weekend and she really wants you, me, and Ho-. . . Rachel to go, too."

"And your thoughts on this are?"

"Honestly I don't know. I love spending time with Demi but I'm not sure I'm all jazzed to see that twerp all over her. Plus, if Rachel goes, I'll be like a 5th wheel."

"Ok, first, Rachel can't go next weekend as she will be out of town for her TV shoot. Second, you are sexy as hell when you dance so it might be a good idea for Demi to see that side of you. Might shake her out of her Nick fog if you know what I mean."

Santana pondered that thought. She still thought it was a long shot, but it certainly couldn't hurt to show off what she could do with her body especially since there was a long list of what she liked to call "bi-curious" women that had already succumbed to Santana when she used similar tactics.

Quinn added, "Worse case, the two of us can have some fun. I mean, have you checked out our numbers so far this quarter? Lopez Fabray is making money hand over fist and that is cause enough for celebration. Besides, it's been a while since we have unleased ourselves on the world."

"That's because the world can only handle so much."

Quinn laughed. "True, but I think it's high time we made an appearance so all the little people can bask in all of our glory."

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess we are performing a public service."

"Exactly! So it's a date?"

"I suppose it is. Just try to keep your paws off of me, though. I don't want any baby mama drama."

"No promises, San. You know what you do to me." said Quinn sarcastically.

Santana rolled her eyes. "I know, Quinny. I know." With that, she exited Quinn's office re-energized for the rest of the work day.


Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now