Chapter 21

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There was a pounding on the Lopez residence door. Jordan went over to answer it, looking through the peephole first. Seeing who it was, she opened the door.

"Hey Quinn. What's up?"

"Hey Jordan. Where is Santana?" said Quinn somewhat agitated.

"She's still in bed."

"It's 2pm."

"Right, but I think it was a late night for her though."

"Yeah? Well, she's about to get her ass up." Quinn cringed slightly hoping the kids weren't within earshot. Looking around she was relieved not to see them.

"Don't worry, they are engrossed in a TV show." said Jordan smiling.

"Thanks, Jordan," with relief apparent in her voice; however, that was short lived as she made her way back to Santana's bedroom. She knocked and heard some muffled sounds coming from the room. She waited to hear some movement, but when she did not, she knocked again, trying the doorknob only to find it locked.

"Go away."

"San, open up."

"No. Go away, Quinn."

Quinn eyes narrowed, now on a mission; she felt around the door frame and found what she was looking for. She put the key in the lock and opened the door into Santana's room and made a beeline for the curtains, immediately throwing them open so the room lit up like night time in Vegas. You would have thought Santana was going to turn to dust the way she threw up her arms to shield herself.

"Fuck, Quinn. I told you to go away. Close the god damn curtains and get the fuck out." Santana pulled the covers over her head, obviously frustrated and grumpy.

"I will not. It's 2 'o'clock, San, which is waaaaay past time for you to be facing this day," said Quinn as she ripped the covers off the bed exposing Santana. "You have not returned my texts or voicemails so you and I ARE having a conversation. We can either do it here or go out, but we will be talking. I'll let you choose the location."

Santana groaned as she blindly felt around for any type of cover left on the bed. Finding none, she gave up knowing it was pointless to resist. When Quinn was this focused, she was going to have her way no matter what. "Fine! Whatever, Quinn. You're buying."

"Deal. Now get dressed. You have 5 minutes and not a minute more."

Santana huffed as she made her way out of bed. "Sometimes I really hate you, Quinn. You know that?"

"Don't even start with me. This is on you, San. You are the one who chose not to communicate so don't even try to blame me."

Santana just rolled her eyes in response dragging her ass into the bathroom to get ready.

"4 minutes . . ."


Quinn and Santana arrived at Urban Java. Quinn got coffees and a variety of items to nibble on while Santana picked out the most secluded available booth. Quinn handed Santana her coffee and took a seat, putting the food in between them. Santana eyed the selection and chose a piece of banana bread.

"So, did you clear your head last night, San?" said Quinn searching Santana's face for any kind of tell.

Santana stared at her banana bread, picking at it only as she had suddenly lost her appetite. "Sorta" said Santana half-heartedly.

"Ok. Tell me what 'sorta' means."

"Quinny . . . look . . ." started Santana hesitantly. I know I really like Demi. I know that. BUT . . . I'm not sure I have the capacity to love someone. I think Brittany broke my ability for that."

Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now