Chapter 16

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Santana’s and Demi’s agendas had been quite busy over the last week or so.  During this period, they mainly texted back and forth because their schedules just didn’t seem to line up.  Demi wrestled with her conscience with what to do about San.  Truth be told, she missed Santana and wanted to see and talk to her, but she was scared, scared of the feelings she was starting to come to terms with, scared of what she might say or do to make her feel like even more of an idiot than she already did.  San on the other hand, still had a problem with Nick.  Demi deserved someone that was truly her equal in every way and Santana was convinced that Nick was not that person.  She wanted to tell Demi the obvious but thought differently of it, choosing not to butt in for once in her life.

By the time the end of the week rolled around, San and Demi were growing anxious from not seeing each other live and in person.  It was Demi who made the first move inviting Santana for coffee at their regular hang out place.  Santana had quickly agreed as she missed Demi more than she hated Nick.


There was an awkward silence between Demi and San as they worked to get re-acquainted with one another, both bothered by the other’s current flame.

“Sooooo, how is . . .  uh . . . what’s her name again?  Audra?  Amy?” said Demi feigning ignorance of the name she would not soon forget.  She wished she could have come up with better, more caustic names to throw out that started with the letter “A”, but alas her wit had failed her.

“It’s Angel” said Santana narrowing her eyes a bit trying to figure out if it was an honest mistake on Demi’s behalf or if there was something more there.

“Oh yeah, Angel.  That’s right.”  Demi attempted to contain the sarcasm dripping from her mouth as that name rolled off her tongue.  “What’s up with you two?”

Santana paused to reflect on Demi’s question, trying to decided how much to share.  Thinking it was best to hold her cards to her vest for now, she answered with a vague statement.  “Well, hmmm.  We’re good, I think.”

Demi’s brain immediately went into overdrive trying to analyze what Santana had just said.  Obviously Santana and Angel were doing well, and why not?  They were both attractive women who seemed well matched based on what she had seen at the club the other night.  But, Demi felt some glimmer of hope in Santana’s last two words, “I think.”  Maybe it wasn’t all puppy dogs and rainbows like she assumed.  Demi averted her eyes downward to the table and began using her fingertips to play with the napkin in front of her.  There was uncomfortable silence between the two women each not knowing what to say next.  Finally, Demi raised her eyes slowly, drinking in Santana’s body as she did.  She was truly stunning, yet something seemed off today.  She couldn’t put her finger on it right away until her gaze stopped at Santana’s eyes.  There were new dark circles under them.  Demi broke the silence stating the obvious, ”San, you look really tired.  Are you ok?”

In all honesty, Santana was not ok.  She was dead tired.  Angel had her going at a pace that would have put most people her age in the hospital or worse, in the dirt.  But, she was not most people, she was Santana Fucking Lopez, resident bad ass with a stubborn streak a mile long.  She was not prepared to tell anyone, other than Quinn, that maybe, just maybe, Angel was more than she could handle.  At this point, she could probably count on two hands the amount of hours of sleep she had had that week and if not for the nectar of the Gods known as coffee, she would have probably been in a never-ending sleep coma by now.

“Me?  Oh, nah, I’m fine.  I’ve just been busy, ya know.”  Santana shifted her weight attempting to find a more comfortable sitting position.  She held back a grimace as pain seared through muscles she had no idea she even had.  Thankfully, she had gotten to the coffee shop before Demi on purpose so she could get settled in and not make it obvious that there was not enough ibuprofen in the world to put a dent in the soreness her body was feeling.  At this point, she was also beginning to worry if enough caffeine existed in the world to keep her awake if she continued at her current rate.

Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now