Chapter 13

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Demi spent the rest of the afternoon contemplating whether she was playing it safe with Nick. Her brain hurt as she tried to sort out her true feelings. Sighing, she finally concluded that she needed to see him and let her heart weigh in on the matter. So, she picked up her phone and texted Nick.

D: Hey - Whatcha doing?

N: Hey! Was wondering when I was going 2 hear from you. I'm just doing a little writing. What r u up 2?

D: I want 2 c u. U wanna come over later?

N: Sure. When?

D: 7pm? We can order some food and watch a movie or something.

N: Perfect! It's a date! I'll c u soon. J

D: K

Demi was nervous. She had no idea how this evening was going to go but hoped that she would get some clarity on her feelings one way or another.


Santana took it easy the rest of the day letting her muscles recover. She wrestled internally as to whether to call Demi. Sure, she missed talking to her, but she wasn't positive that she was going to be able to feign happiness when Demi confirmed that she did indeed have a new boyfriend. Ugh, might as well get it over with. I'm not going to be able to avoid the inevitable forever. Santana asked Siri to call Demi. They had been playing voicemail and text tag lately so she half expected to hear Demi's voicemail pick up.


Hearing those words made Santana melt. "Hey, Demi. Long time no talk, girl."

Demi giggled on the other end. "I know, I know. I've missed you! We need to do coffee or a meal this week so I can see the whites of your eyes. I was beginning to think that you had fallen off the face of the earth."

Santana chuckled. "No, no, I'm still here. Just the same ole', same ole'. However, sounds like you have some big changes in your life if the rumor mill is true."

"Uh, yeah . . . I wanted to let you know about Nick but didn't think it was voicemail or text worthy. It's all still a little surreal. I mean, we just started dating. But, hey, enough about me. How are you? I was so worried about you the other night. Are you doing better? Have you heard from Brittany again?"

Santana's heart literally felt like it was being ripped into small pieces with each piece being tossed into a meat grinder for good measure. She took a moment to gather herself before replying as she didn't want to let on how affected she was by Demi's news or questions. "I'm good, really good. I have several new clients at work, the kids are doing great, practices for our charity event are going well, the She-tahs are in first place. What more could I ask for?" Santana felt a smirk creep onto her face. Ok, that's a loaded question. "By the way, thanks again for the stuff you send over for the silent auction. I really appreciate it. I feel like we have a good chance to beat our all-time high. I so want to hand a big, fat check to the Make A Wish Foundation. There is nothing better than putting a smile on a kid's face."

"I'm sure you will. In fact, I'm sure you will crush what you raised in the past! I mean, it's not like you do anything half-ass."

"True, true." Santana started to feel some normalcy coming back with her friendship with Demi as well as her confidence.

"Soooooo . . . what about Brittany?"

Santana grimaced. So much for that confidence. "I haven't heard from her again. I imagine our paths will cross soon enough, but I'm trying hard not to think about it and just live in the here and now."

"Good approach. No need to concern yourself with that situation until you have to. Listen, San, I need to go hop in the shower before Nick gets here. What does your schedule look like this week? I would love to get together and catch up properly."

Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now