Chapter 22

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A/N:  Well, here we are.  I posted this story back in August but was planning it out and working on it well before then.  I appreciate your patience in allowing me to get to this point of the story at my own pace.  I’m not sure I have truly captured how I have pictured it in my mind time and time again, but I have tried my best.  It’s my first FF scene like this so be gentle in the reviews. 

 Lastly, I’m still looking for ideas on Quinn’s wish, so let me know your thoughts.

Thanks again for the continued feedback.  Know that it means a lot to me for those who do take the time to leave it.

Happy Holidays!



 The next morning Quinn walked into Santana’s office and sat down in a chair in front of her desk.

“Hold on Quinn, let me get this last thought down first,” said Santana as she pecked away on her keyboard.  “There . . . now, what’s up?”

“What’s up?  Well, to tell you the truth, quite a bit.”

“Oh really?” said Santana as she arched her eyebrow.

“Yes, really.  I need you to do us both a favor and stop screening Demi’s calls and texts.”

“Quinn, I just don’t think I’m ready to talk to her.”

“Bullshit, Santana!  That’s a cop out.  This girl is the real deal and you’re going to lose her before you even officially have her if you don’t wake up.”

Santana rolled her eyes.  “Whatever,” she grumbled.

“Do NOT ‘whatever’ me, Santana Lopez.  You ARE going to do this.  Demi is going to contact you and you WILL respond.  She is going to ask to come over and talk to you Friday night.  Rachel and I are going to have the kids come to our house and spend the night so you will have plenty of time to discuss things.”

“Quinn, I’m not ready,” said Santana whining.

“You need to get it through that thick skull of yours that you ARE ready.  You’re just scared.  It’s totally understandable San, but quit using it as an excuse to not live your life.  I mean ‘woman up’ already, and channel some of that Santana bad assness that you’re so famous for.  If you can’t muster it up, then I will have no choice other than to start resetting others’ expectations regarding your rep.” said Quinn grinning.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I, San?  Try me.”

Santana started rubbing her temples feeling the beginnings of a massive headache about to hit.  “Fine, Quinn.  I will talk to Demi, but that’s all I’m committing to.”

Quinn smirked.  “I’ll take that for now, but when you talk to her keep an open mind.  She’s a good girl, San.  Try not to screw this up.”

“Uh, yeah            Quinn.  I’ll try not to.” said Santana in a sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes again.  “Now, if you’re done harassing me, I have actual work I need to do.”

“I’m done,” said Quinn getting up to leave Santana’s office.  When she reached the doorway, she turned around and added, “. . . for now . . .”

Santana just shook her head and resumed working.  Once Quinn was out of sight, a slight smile crept onto her face.


Santana had just finished getting the kids down, when her phone buzzed.  She looked down and saw a text from Demi:

D:  Hey you.  Can you chat?

Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now