Chapter 18

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Word leaked that Demi was going to make an appearance at the "So Last Century" Charity show; so not surprisingly, the remaining tickets were snatched up quickly by fellow Lovatics. Santana and Quinn were both elated that this event was sold out and poised to shatter their all-time record of funds raised for the Make A Wish Foundation.

Quinn rode with Santana to the auditorium. As they entered, Santana assessed the scene around her and visualized what it would be like in a few hours as a packed house. The other performers were slowly trickling in around them, heading back to the dressing rooms for makeup, hair, and wardrobe. Santana continued to stand by the entrance as a wave of nervous energy overcame her. Thinking back, Nationals her senior year was the last time she had appeared in front of such a large crowd. Santana's daydreaming was abruptly interrupted as an unknown girl jumped into her arms hugging her tightly. The smell of her hair, the soft skin, the contagious laugh, and Santana's fluttering heart gave away the mystery girl.

"Hey Demi," said Santana grinning, hugging her back perhaps a little too tight and a little too long.

"Hey San! Miss me? I know it has been such a loooooong time since you have seen me," said Demi winking.

Santana smiled even bigger if that was at all possible. "Yes, terribly. It has been such a long time, hasn't it?" The sarcasm evident in her tone as she spoke.

Demi winked again at Santana as she turned to hug and greet Quinn. "Quinnnnn! Where's your other half?"

Quinn chuckled, saying, "She will be here shortly. She has a pre-show ritual that she does so she is not to be disturbed." Santana rolled her eyes happy not to be with someone so high maintenance. Quinn playfully elbowed her.

Demi laughed. "Totally understandable. I do the same thing before any of my concerts. I guess you could say, I'm little superstitious."

Demi's laugh brought out the butterflies in Santana. Her thoughts drifted to their conversation the evening before, replaying it in her mind as she smiled and shook her head. Somehow out of the blue and totally unexpected, her life had become richer with Demi in it.

"What are you all grins about?" said Demi, softly punching Santana's arm.

Santana just kept smiling saying, "Let's just chalk it up to the fact that I'm happy. Now, is that going to be a problem?"

"Come on you big ole sap." said Quinn smirking seeing the obvious chemistry between the two women in front of her.

Santana turned, sticking out her elbows for two of her favorite gals. They both slid their arm in on either side interlocking with Santana's as they headed off 'we're off to see the wizard' style to go get ready.


The auditorium was at capacity leading up to show time. As folks began to settle into their seats, Santana peak around the curtain. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the sheer number of people in the audience. She jumped when she felt a hand on her back.

"Shit!" Santana turned around to meet eyes with the person who had just scared the crap out of her. "God damn, Quinn. Don't sneak up on me like that. You're lucky I didn't take a swing at you."

Quinn chuckled. "Whatever, San. Just relax. I was just trying to see how the crowds were."

"Huge. Fucking huge."

"Let me see."

Santana moved out of the way so Quinn could take her spot. "Holy crap, San. There are a lot of people out there."

"I know. I can't believe the show sold out. It's all exciting and terrifying wrapped up into one."

"You do remember that we have Demi-Fucking-Lovato performing, right? Of course it sold out. Speaking of which you both seemed pretty chummy earlier. You have something to tell me?" said Quinn grinning mischievously.

Heartbrake (Demi Lovato/Santana Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now