Chapter 1

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Feeling stressed out to the point where you are crying is not okay. That's what Kara keeps telling herself. However, she can't help it. She has this major exams coming up and she cannot seem to get Chemistry and Biology right. Never mind she was supposed to be the youngest member to join the Krypton science guild, never mind she is a prodigy in Krypton, never mind she is supposedly considered a genius in most of the planets she has visited. Earth Chemistry and Biology is just not her forte.

To make matters worse, almost failing exam is not a reason to cry in Kara's books. She has endured her planet exploding, her parents dying, being stuck in the phantom zone, failing exams are just low on the list of the things she should cry about. She cries nonetheless, not the ugly loud crying but silent tears pooling in her blue ocean eyes until it overflows.

"Are you okay?" A voice forces her out of her thoughts. Kara turns around to see a young girl about her age with raven hair staring at her with both her arms wrapping around a stack of thick books.

"Yea, just my less than sufficient brain refuses to help me pass my finals." Kara replies.

"That's okay. Science is not made for everyone, but tissue is. Here you go." The raven girl drops her books on the table, sits opposite Kara and slides a packet of tissue towards Kara with a smile.

Kara is taken aback. Did the raven hair girl just insulted her and be nice to them in the same sentence? Wow. Just wow. Kara is speechless but takes the tissue anyway to clean herself up. Once she has control of her voice she speaks "Thanks for the tissue. But I could do without the insult to my self esteem". Not getting a reply from the girl except a smirk, she continues and stretches out her right hand across the table, "Kara, Kara Danvers, the girl whose brain is not made for science"

With a smile that looks genuine, the girl takes Kara's hand "Lena, Lena the-genius Luthor. Nice to meet you Kara crying-in-the-library Danvers" she teases Kara with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Hey! I wasn't crying. I was sobbing at best. And I was silent! I wasn't bothering anyone in the library" Kara retorts.

Lena just smiles at her and flips open her books to start her own revision. Kara looks at Lena and is confused to what she feels about this girl. She seems nice to care that Kara was crying but she did indirectly call Kara dumb while calling herself a genius. Kara takes note of how the girl looks, concentrated look with her teeth biting her bottom lips, a pen in hand and a neat ponytail to keep the hair off her face. Lena looks quite attractive, Kara concludes.

Kara decides to get back to her books and continue her less than fruitful revision and not focus on the quite attractive Lena in front of her.

After about an hour or so, Kara starts to keep her books deciding that she will not make anymore progress today. She picks up her things and slides the packet of tissue back towards Lena "Thanks for the tissue, Lena the-genius Luthor. You still did care and are kind to me despite the bruise to my self-esteem"

Lena looks up from her books with a smirk again and slides the tissue back to Kara "Keep it. You may need it as you continue your revision. It's my pleasure show you kindness, Kara the-beautiful Danvers. Maybe I'll see you around?"

Kara's mouth opens and closes without formulating a response, looking like a fish out of water. Did Lena just insult her while calling her beautiful? How can she pack a compliment and an insult in the same sentence?

"Bye Kara". At that Lena lowers her head back into her books. Kara blinks a few times wondering if she has actually dreamed the entire encounter with Lena since Lena is with the same concentrated look as before Kara started packing her books. "Bye Lena" Kara mumbles and walks off to head home. What a confusing day.

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