Chapter 15

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Kara stands up, take a deep breath and hovers upwards until she is about 15 inches above ground and maintains her elevation.

Sam is shocked by this, whereas Lena just scoffs. "Many magicians can do this"

Sam is down on her knees on the floor trying to swipe the are between Kara's feet and the ground to see if there are any hidden ropes or any contraption at all that enables Kara to elevate. It is truly a comical scene.

Kara lowers herself to the ground and raises both her arms in disbelief. This time she grabs the bottle of scotch, drinks all of it, grabs the wine next, empties the entire bottle and then washes it off with a bottle of coke.

"Believe me now?"

"What other powers do you have besides alcohol toleration and illusion of flight?" Lena asks.

"I do not have illusion of flight. I have flight ability, super speed, super hearing, super strength freeze breath and heat vision"

"Okay. This has been a ridiculous but fun night girls. Kara you rock. But for now, mother of Ruby has to sleep off the alcohol or she will be the mother of zombies tomorrow. Good night girls" Sam puts down her wine glass and walks off to her room.

Lena decides to walk to her room but is apparently quite drunk ending up having Kara sweep her up and carry her to the direction Lena is pointing towards.

Kara tugs Lena into bed and goes to her bathroom to look for an Advil. She places a glass of water and two Advil on Lena's side table and closes Lena's door as she walks out of the room. Kara went to the living room and superspeed to clean up everything. She even takes the trash out with her. She steps off to the balcony, slides the glass door close and flies off into the night with a trash bag in hand.

When she gets into her shared room with Alex, Alex is already asleep. She gets into her own bed and calls it a night.

Sam regrets being friends with a Lena. She also regrets getting to know Kara. If she hadn't known them she would be be having this hangover. But if she hadn't known Lena, she might be homeless and Ruby might be taken from her. So she blames Kara. Recalling snippets of last night, Kara claiming to be an alien who can fly, and then performing a levitating trick. Sam chuckles to herself.

Poor Kara. She must be holding the Guinness World record of the worst hangover or undergoing a stomach pump in the hospital right now.

Sam glaces to the clock and realises it is 11am. Shit fuck. Ruby normally wakes up at 9. Fuck fuck. But Ruby normally wakes her up.  Maybe Lena is the responsible guardian today. But Lena as drank as much scotch as Sam did. Fuck. Ruby better be okay or she'll skin Kara alive, deep fry her skin and feed it back to her.

Sam jumps out of her bed and head to Ruby's room hoping the young girl is still sleeping. Ruby's room is empty. Fuck fuck. She dashes to Lena's room. Lena's room is empty too. She relaxes a little thinking Lena might have brought her daughter out. As she turns to walk out of Lena's room, she hears a sound coming from Lena's bathroom. Sam approaches slowly and hears a hangover Lena groaning. She scans the entire bathroom realises Ruby isn't with Lena either.

Holy shit triple fuck.

"Lena. Where's Ruby? Sam asks anyway keeping her fingers crossed.

Lena snaps up in horror, vlambers up to her feet to look for Ruby.  They froze at Lena's door when they hear the sound of Ruby giggling from the kitchen. Ruby never goes to the kitchen unless there's an adult present. They each grab the nearest makeshift weapon, Sam, a dumbbell and Lena an empty sports water bottle. Sam gives her a look but they walks out cautiously and silently anyway. Whatever weapon they hold they will never be able to compete with the intruder in a kitchen full of knife.

Lena runs back into her room remembering she has a loaded gun in her sidetable drawer. She grabs the fun and runs back to Sam. They approach the kitchen slowly while staying low. Since the apartment is very open, they should be able to see the intruder and Ruby.

Lena flips the safety off from her gun and tries to keep a steady hand. Suddenly Ruby screams. All caution is thrown to the wind and they dash into the kitchen. They find a flour covered Ruby and Kara standing in the kitchen laughing at each other.

"Kara fucking Danvers. I nearly shot you!" Lena yells.

"Hey language!" Both Kara and Sam shouts at Lena at the same time. Ruby giggles loudly at their bickering.

"Ruby, why didn't you wake me up this morning?" Sam asks her daughter gently.

"I did. I tried to wake you up but you were really tired. So I went to aunt Lena. Aunt Lena was hugging the poo poo bowl." Ruby giggles at that thought.

"Then what happen? How did you get here with Kara?"

"Aunt Kara fall on the balcony and she came in to play with me."

"I didn't fall on the balcony. I landed on the balcony. I couldn't lock the door from outside last night. I left though the balcony as well.

Fucking hell Sam thought. Here she and Lena is, having the worse hangover and there she is Kara Sunshine Danvers smiling as wide as a kid in candy land.

"Ruby, can you get cleaned up and then we can all have breakfast together? Sam, the advil and water on the kitchen top is for you and Lena, yours is on your bedroom side table"

Lena sits at the kitchen counter, with her head on the kitchen top, groans but does not move a muscle. Sam takes the pills and drinks the glass water. Kara walks to Lena's room grab the pills and pass it to her. She mumbles a thanks and swallow them in a gulp.

Kara continues making pancakes while the other three cleans themselves up. By the time they are back in the kitchen, Kara has over around 20 pancakes all stacked up.

They have their breakfast, which at this point is is closer to lunch, in silence except Ruby singing some Frozen songs with Kara.

"Kara, are you really an alien?" Sam asks. Kara nods.

"Do you have any intentions of harming Ruby, Lena or myself?" Sam asks again. Kara quickly shakes her head.

"Okay. I believe you." Sam says

"Just like that?" Lena asks in disbelief.

"Lena, she drank so much she should be dead. But instead she made all of us breakfast, played with Ruby while we were hanging on to the life itself and Ruby literally said Kara fell onto the balcony."

"Landed" Kara corrects.

"And I'm pretty she she levitated yesterday"

It was silent for a moment.

"I'm going to bring Ruby to the park for an hour and you both better sort it out when I get back. Or you will have to sort it out in the park" Sam says as she walks to the elevator with an excited Ruby.

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