Chapter 7

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Kara walks to the library with her books in one arm and the box with pastries in another. The weather is fantastic today. A little sun hiding behind some clouds making it a nice day for a walk. As she walks into the library, Lena is already seated at their usual table.

She decides to not make a fool out of herself today and just sits opposite Lena. "Hi Lena" flashing Lena her Danvers signature smile. Lena is wearing a fitting navy blouse with skinny jeans. She looks beautiful. Kara can't help but wonder if she is dressing up a little for their dinner. Kara herself definitely did dress up. She is wearing a blue shirt with sleeves folded up to her forearms and a long pants that compliments her thigh muscles. Lena looks up and smiles at her "Hey Kara."

"Before I forget again, can I have your number. Alex is going to call me stupid if I forget to ask for your number again." Kara slides her phone across to Lena. 

"Hmmm. Let me think about it. Do you have any incentive for me to give you my number?" Lena pretends to tap her chin while she thinks.

"The incentive is the delicacies in this mysterious box." Kara pushes the box a little closer to Lena but keeps her hand on the box to prevent Lena from taking the box.

Lena considers for a moment and replies "Fine. I'll bite." She enters her number and saves her contact as Genius in Kara's phone. She holds Kara's phone in her right hand reaching out to the middle of the table towards Kara and holds out her left hand with palm facing upwards to ask for the mysterious box.

Kara takes the phone and puts the box in Lena's left hand. Kara smiles when she sees what Lena has named herself in Kara's contact.

Lena sees the shop name on the box and looks at Kara. "This is from the bakery near Champs-Élysées in Paris. How?"

Kara is surprised by Lena's statement. It was so specific to the point where Lena knows where the shop is located. Kara is glad Alex had helped her come up with a good excuse before she came to the library.

"Jeremiah came back from a medical convention in Paris. He brought it back." Kara answers while adjusting her glasses while looking down at the table to avoid eye contact with Lena.

Lena closes her books with a small thud and packs her things. Kara looks up confused and asks "Are you upset? I'm sorry if you don't like it it's fine. I can take it back."

"Dont you dare take back the best pastry in the world after you put them in my hands Kara Danvers" Lena warns her and then smiles so genuinely "I love this pastry so much that I would like to take the day off to celebrate it and enjoy it in the park. Care to join me Miss Danvers?"

Kara nods, picks up her books and walks out of the library with Lena. Lena led them to her car and hopped in. Kara hopped in on the passenger side and held the box of pastries for Lena.

Lena drove to a nearby park and parks her car. She gets out and hooks her arm around Kara's while walking towards the park. They went to a nearby park bench and sat down opposite of eahh other. Kara immediate my misses Lena's arm hooking around hers.

They converse on the topic of the croissant while Lena is munching on them. Lena offers Kara a bite but Kara declines stating that the pastries are meant for Lena. Kara learns that Lena has been to Paris multiple times with her father Lionel and has frequented this famous bakery shop. Lena offers Kara a bite again across the table and Kara takes a bite due to Lena's insistence. She has learn that it is easier to go along with what Lena wants than to fight her about it. Besides if taking a bite makes Lena happy, she would bite anything and everything.

Kara excuses herself for a moment after about an hour in the park, and returns with two bottles of mineral water and a cup of black coffee. She puts the coffee and a bottle of water in front of Lena as a gesture that it's for her. Lena smiles at how attentive Kara is and takes both of it with a smile and a thank you.

They continued chatting and Kara learned that Lena loves scones from Dublin, dim sum from Hong Kong, coffee Luwak from Indonesia, pizza from Chicago and kale from farmers market.
Kara learns more about Lena about her birth place in Ireland, her memory of her birth mother and her boarding school experience.

At around 5.30, Kara suggests they go for an early dinner and Lena confirms she is fine with Chinese food. Kara directs Lena as she drives towards the dinner venue. They are greeted by Mrs Chang at the restaurant and led to their booth at the corner of the restaurant.

Kara orders 3 portion of potstickers and Lena orders Orange chicken for herself and Lo-Mien for sharing. Dinner went smoothly and both of them getting to know each other alot better. At the end of the night, Kara pays for dinner as agreed and Lena drives Kara home.

Lena parks outside of Kara's house and turns to look at Kara. Kara looks at Lena and notices how beautiful half Irish girl truly is. Lena leans in towards Kara again and Kara can hear her own heart beating way too quickly. She also hear Lena's hearbeat picking up. Good, at least she is not the only one that is nervous. Kara kicks her lips in preparation for a kiss because that is what Hollywood shows her. Lena looks at Kara's lips, then looks into her eyes, inching closer and closer.

Lena turns her head at the last minute to whisper into her ear "Good night darling. Thanks for dinner" She turns and places a kiss on Kara's cheek. Making Kara blush so hard. "Good night Lena. Thanks got the ride." She gets out of her car and walk towards her house. She turns around to see Lena watching. She waves before she enters the house. The moment she closes the door she hears Lena exhales and says "Oh Kara" before she drives off. Kara listens to Lena's heartbeat all the way until she reaches the other side of town.

Kara texts Lena the moment she hears Lena's hearbeat sound stop getting further. She assumes Lena has reached home by then.

Unknown: Home safely?

Genius: Who are you? How did you get my number?

It was then Kara realise Lena doesn't have her number.

Unknown: It's me. Kara. You gave me your number this afternoon.

Genius: Oh. Sorry I didn't have your number saved. I do now. Yes, I just got home. If I didn't know better I would think you are stalking me. You texted me the moment I parked.

Kara: Maybe I am stalking you. Planning on how to kidnap you and keep you all for myself.

Genius: That's it. You are now stalker in my contact. And again, how are you so brazen with words but a bumbling mess in person.

Stalker: What happened to hot? Am I not hot anymore? Did you not check out my behind during our date?

Genius: 1. Was it a date? 2. Do you mean your ass?

Stalker: 1. I asked you out. I paid for dinner, I got a kiss at the end of the night. I consider it a date. 2. Yes, my behind. Did you?

Genius: 1. It wasn't a date to me since I didn't get flowers. Besides, you don't even know if I have a partner. 2. Kara, can you say ass?

Stalker: 1. Well, do you have a partner? 2. My behind is essentially the same meaning. Don't deflect. Did you? 

Genius: 1. Well, do you have a partner? 2. Kara Danvers, am I right why you do not curse ever?

Stalker: You are deflecting both my questions. Not fair.

Genius: All is fair in love and war

Stalker: Good night Lena. I had a wonderful night

Genius: Good night Kara. I had a wonderful time too. PS. Still not a date.

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