Chapter 16

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"Hey Lena. I really like you and don't want to lose you. Can you please tell me how to make you trust me?" Kara pleads earnestly.

"Tell me all your powers again."

"Flight, super speed, super strength, super hearing, freeze breath and heat vision"

"Show me. All of it. And I'll believe you."

Okay. Kara picks up the glass of water Lena has and blows into it, freezing the water into once. She tips the cup over to Lena for her to examine then lowers her glasses and then melts the center of the ice with heat vision. She passes the glass of half melted ice back to Lena.

Lena looks at the glass clearly trying very hard to reason what she is seeing. She looks in front to see that Kara has floated almost to the ceiling. Kara then floats to the living room and Lena turns around to look at her. Landing on the floor, she picks up the huge L shape couche with one hand and tries to balance it on one finger.

"Wow finger me" Lena mumbles below her breath. Kara almost drops the couch but catches it at the last second. She puts the couch down and floats towards Lena.

"I will not do that before I ask you out on an official date" she says when she is close enough to Lena and exhales slightly next to Lena's ear sending chills down Lena's spine.

"What? Do what?" Lena stutters.

"Finger you. Lena. That's what you said isn't it? Believe me now?"

Lena gulps and nods. "I believe you."

Kara holds Lena's waist and pick her up from the kitchen bar stool. Lena wraps her legs around Kara's waist instinctively.

"Does this mean you are not mad anymore?" Kara asks. Lena nods, not trusting her voice to not betray her emotions. Kara floats both of them to the couch and gently lowers Lena onto the couch then takes a seat next to Lena.

They say in silence for a while before Lena starts asking about her home planet. They fall back into casual conversation. When Sam returns with Ruby, Kara flashes a grateful smile at her and goes down the elevator to head home via Uber to spend some time with Alex.


Kara arrives home to see sitting in the living room flipping the channels. Taking a seat next to her sister she opens up "Alex, I'm your baby sister. You'll love me no matter what right?"

Sensing this is a serious talk, Alex turns off the TV and focuses on Kara "Yes Kara. Who did you kill and where's the body? Come on, I'll help you get rid of it"

"Alex!! You're a doctor. You cannot joke about that"

"A. I'm not a doctor yet. B. Who says I'm joking." Alex shrugs

"Jokes aside. I think... Lena and I are... I think we have feelings for each other" Kara finally breathes out.

"What feelings?"

"I think I want to try dating her. I know it's not normal to most people, but I'm an alien. I'm already not normal anyway. Negative, negative makes a positive?" Kara suggests.

"Kara, two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not upset about it. But are you sure?" Alex asks genuinely.

"I told her I'm an alien and we had a moment. I kind of blurted out I want to date her." Kara explains.

"Okay. Just be careful. I don't want people to be sticking needles and cutting you open to learn about your alien biology. But back to topic, welcome to the club!"

Confused by Alex's words she asks "What club?"

"The lesbian club. Or bisexual. Or whatever you are. In summary the non-straight club"

'Alex said welcome. Like she's welcoming me into a club that she's in' Kara processing Alex's words again.

"Are you not straight?" Kara asks.

"Nope. Completely gay" Alex fashions a proud smile.

"Rao. Why have you not told me? Here I am worried that you'll love me any less for loving another woman!"

"Wait! Love? You love Lena?" Alex half shouts in disbelief.

"Shhhh.. Don't announce to the entire world. She doesn't know that. I plan to do it right by her. Start slow. I plan to ask her out on an official date after my finals"

"Who would have thought. My sister who could not make friends might have a girlfriend soon. By the way, if she is your girlfriend I want to borrow her car for a fun ride."

"I'll keep you updated. Do you have a girlfriend, Alex?"

"Nope. If Lena has a sister, I'm calling dibs. Rich and hot." Alex whistles after that.

"Hey. Be nice. She only has a brother. But she has a best friend, who is quite attractive."

"Rate them. Lena and her best friend 1-10?" Alex asks.

"Her best friend maybe an 8. Lena a 12." Kara answers after thinking.

"So Lena is 4 points hotter than her friend. Lena is at best a 9 on my scale, and so that brings her friend to a 5. Basic math Kara. No thank you" Alex retorts

"Don't be shallow Alex. She is pretty cool. Though I'm not sure if she's part of our club"

"It's fine. I'm heading back to med school next week anyway. No point finding someone here now."

Kara and Alex spends the rest of the day just talking about everything and Kara heads to bed for another busy week. She texts Lena before going to bed

Alien: Good night Lena.

Genius: Good night Kara. I changed your name to Alien instead of Sniffer. Just FYI. 😉

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