Chapter 4

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Kara starts off her Sunday as usual. Waking up before Alex, heads downstairs to the kitchen to do some revision while munching on snacks, cheetos this time and talking to Eliza while Eliza prepares breakfast. They talk a little about how they miss Jeremiah who is away in Europe for a medical convention. Kara does not have to wake Alex up today because she comes down before breakfast is ready. Alex is as grumpy as all other morning-Alex versions.

They settle in for a nice breakfast Eliza prepared before Eliza heads over to Midvale Hospital for the day. Alex tutors Kara further on Chemistry and Biology until around noon and orders pizza for lunch. After lunch, Alex drops Kara off at the library on her bike before she heads out to meet her friends.

Kara walks into the library hoping to see Lena and is slightly disappointed when she doesn't see her. She settles down at her usual table and starts her revision. Thanks to Alex Chemistry and Biology are now no longer alien language to her. She checks her phone after a while and notices it's already 3pm. She looks around to see if Lena is at other tables but she doesn't see her. Feeling deflated Kara turns back to her books and can hardly focus but decides to make the most out of the trip to the library. Since her finals is one month from now, she figures she could make some sacrifices and enjoy life after her finals.

"Third time is a charm" A familiar voice pulls Kara's attention from her books. Kara turns around to the direction of the voice and smiles her signature megawatt Danvers smiles "Lena!"

Lena looks different today. Instead of casual sweater and jeans as per the last two days, she is in a skintight burgandy dress today. She has an elegant white blazer on top of the dress but Kara can still see the expanse of skin from her neck down to the middle of her chest until her blazer blocks it. It almost looks like Lena is not wearing anything underneath the blazer but the  Kara could tell it's a long sleeve dress with an extremely deep V neck by the slightly longer burgundy sleeves which poke under the blazer sleeve.

Lena is in full make up with eyeliner and her signature red lipstick. Matching earrings and necklace screams rich and elegant. Her hair in a beautiful bun showcasing her sharp jaw line and her fair skin. Kara's eyes scans from Lena's beautiful face down to the skin not covered by the blazer to her narrow waist, her hips and her legs and finally down to her shoes where she wears a white Nike sport shoes with a golden Nike logo. The shoes looks expensive as well but does not match the rest of Lena's outfit.

Kara looks back up to Lena's face and stares at her. Lena smiles at Kara and asks "Did you lose your tongue darling? Or do you need me to pick up your jaw for you again like yesterday? Lena flashes a knowing smile to Kara. Lena is confident about her body but she is still happy to know that she had the effect on Kara.

Kara's mind flashes back to yesterday where Lena caressed her face and whispers close to her ear before 'picking up Kara's jaw'. Kara shakes her head to snap out of her own memory and closes her mouth.

"Sorry. You look fantastic. I don't think anyone can do any studying if you are looking like you in this library" Kara mumbles towards the end.

Lena let's out a genuine laugh "I'm not here to study Kara. Not today. I have to be somewhere but the library called to let me know the book I was looking for has been returned so I am here to borrow it. I saw you and just wanted to say hi. I should let you get back to your study."

"Yea okay. You look great Lena. Like better than great. Like greaterest" Kara says while keeping her eyes glued to Lena admiring her beauty.

Lena laughs again "Greaterest? Darling maybe you need to pay some attention to English as well for your finals. See you around Kara."

Lena turns and walks away and Kara stares at her and her swaying hips until Lena disappears out of sight. Kara finally comes back to reality and realises.
Crap. I forgot to ask for her number again.

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