Chapter 3

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"Thanks again Lena. Bye. Good night"

Kara walks towards her house and turns around to see Lena is still in her car waiting for Kara to get into her house. Kara waves at Lena and walks into her house after Lena waves back. She could see Lena's smiling while she waves at Kara.

Kara closes the door and hears Lena drive away. She turns around to see Alex standing at the hallway staring at her with a look.

"Alex. I'm back. What's for dinner?" Kara tries to engage Alex in a safe topic to avoid Alex's questioning that normally comes with the look. She walks pass Alex and heads towards the kitchen and see Eliza trying to lay out her dinner for her.

Eliza turns around when she hears Kara and hugs Kara tightly as they approach each other. "Don't you ever scare me like that again Kara. I was concerned someone found out about you and your safety is compromised. Please call next time".

Kara hugs Eliza back tightly and feels guilty about making Eliza worry while she is enjoying dinner with Lena. "I'm sorry Eliza. I lost track of time. It won't happen again. I'm sorry. Thank you for keeping dinner for me even though I'm a horrible daughter".

"Nonsense. You and Alex are both wonderful. Come, I just heated dinner for you." Eliza leads Kara to the kitchen counter and places a plate of grill chicken with mashed potatoes and some broccoli. Kara smiles at Eliza and starts to dig in.

Alex walks towards the kitchen counter, leans on the counter, looks at Kara and starts "So....... Where were you?"

Eliza turns her attention to Kara at Alex's question. She is curious as well since Kara has always been home on time until today.

"I was at the library to do my revision. You really helped me in Biology and Chemistry. Though I will probably need to think about an alternative career since I will not definitely not make into med school." Kara tries to deflect again by changing the topic of discussion to her future career.

"The library closes at 6 my dear sister." Alex states the fact.

'Dang it Alex. Are you a med school student or are you a detective' Kara groans internally.

"I made a friend at the library and we went for dinner at an Italian place and lost track of time." Kara replies giving as general answer as possible. She doesn't want to disclose too much about Lena paying for her dinner, the fact that Lena is a college student and Lena drove her home in the fancy expensive sports car. Not to mention all the whispering near her ear that confuses Kara to no end.

"That's wonderful Kara. Glad to hear you are making friends. Maybe you can invite your friend over someday for dinner if you want to since Winn has been over for dinner as well. As for your career, pick something you like. It doesn't have to be a doctor. Just be you and you'll be great." Eliza assures Kara with a very mother y smile and hugs Kara while Kara is still sitting and eating at the kitchen counter. Kara smiles and thank Rao for blessing her with Eliza as her adopted mother.

Eliza satisfied with knowing that her daughter is safe, steps away and wishes both her daughters good night.

Alex is not as easy to appease as Eliza. She continues leaning on the kitchen counter and stares at Kara.

"Don't be freaky Alex. I can't enjoy Eliza's grill chicken with you gawking at me like that". Kara says to Alex.

"You are hiding something. What is it Kara?" Alex continues to question.

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