Chapter 19

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Both of them settles into easy conversation about their day and Kara hasn't stopped smiling. When the car finally stops, Lena has no idea where they are at.

Kara gets out and holds the door for Lena. Lena takes a look around when she gets out, not seeing any restaurant or diners nearby except some hill slopes with a few trees and scrubs. She decides to play along and see what the blonde has planned.

The blonde leads her towards the area with lesser scrubs and Lena notices a blanket laid out on the ground with three baskets. A picnic dinner date? That's a first for Lena. Kara leads her there and helps her sit on the blanket before she unpack the baskets.

"May I start you off with a glass of water Miss Luthor. Would you like it chilled or warm?" Kara asks pretending to be their server for the night. Lena can't help but smiles at Kara's ridiculousness and but plays along "Chilled please".

Kara pours a water into a plastic red solo cup and blows into it before handing it over to Lena and pours the pours one for herself. Lena almost forgot about Kara's alien perks.

"Before we start with the appetiser, may I offer you a warm towel" Kara pulls out a small metal tray from the basket with two small white thing sitting in the middle. It likes like a medicine tablet. Kara pours some of the water into the metal tray and heats the water up with her heat vision. The two tablets absorb the water and expands into a bigger tablet. Lena takes one and unrolls it into a hand towel. In all Lena's fancy rich lifestyle, she has never seen such a thing. Wow.

"I know right!!! I saw this in Japan and couldn't stop myself. They even have tshirts! You pour the water and it expands into a t-shirt!!!" Kara couldn't hide her excitement.

Kara returns to her alter ego with a straight face and takes our another box from the basket. She opens it and puts it between Lena and herself. "For appetisers we have 'cucumber with cream chess and smoked salmon, asparagus in puff pastry, and Chipotle shrimp." Six pieces of appetisers arranged nearly in the box Kara is holding onto. Now that their hands are clean, Lena and Kara pick the appetisers up with their hands and starts eating.

"Kara these are delicious. Did you make it?" Lena asks amazed by the quality of food for a picnic date.

"I cut the cucumber and spread the cream cheese and put the store bought smoked salmon on it. Eliza helped with the rest when I almost burn down her kitchen trying to cook the shrimps" Kara admits.

"You didn't have to. But I'm glad you did. This the best appetisers I've ever had"

"Next up, kale salad and mushroom soup". Kara takes out a bowl of mushroom soup and heats it up with her heat vision again and a small box of salad. They share the mushroom soup by but Kara let's Lena has the entire salad.

"For main course, we have shawerma with wrap and hummus." Kara takes on her alter ego and whips out a box of cut chicken slices, hummus and wrap.

"Enjoy your meal Miss Luthor."

"Thank you. Can I have my date back now?" Lena asks.

Kara beams immediately and they both work on their dinner together. Kara tells Lena about her home planet and about Kal. Lena tells Kara about Lex's kindness when she first moved in with the Luthors and about how they would spend hours together working on projects.

The sun begins to set as they both continue their date. They take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the sky turning orange before it gets dark. Kara takes out a camping light from another basket and turns the light on for them to continue their meal. Kara takes off her blazer and wraps it around Lena's shoulder when she notices Lena shivers a little.

Kara takes our another container and opens it. "Key lime pie!!!!" She excitedly exclaims.

To Lena's surprise, it is an entire key lime pie, not a single slice but the entire 8inch round pie. Kara holds up two forks and pass one to Lena before they dig in. Although it is delicious, Lena could not eat anymore. She let's Kara finish the entire pie while she looks at the blonde still smiling since she picked Lena up from her apartment.

"Is this enough for you Kara? You normally eat alot more than what we have here." Lena asks.

"Oh I had a large pizza before John picked me up. I wanted to not look like a hungry gorilla during our date."

They pack everything back into the baskets but Kara asks Lena to leave it there and she will clean it up after she drops Lena home. Kara helps Lena to stand. Kara wraps her arm around Lena's waist to support some of her weight to walk on the uneven ground as they make their way to the car. John opens the door for them and they step inside. With the partition still up, Lena leans closer towards Kara and rests her head on her shoulders. Kara wrap her hands around Lena's waist and turns to kiss the top of Lena's head. She inhales deeply taking in Lena's scent.

Lena sits up straight and looks at Kara's face waiting for what she has to say.

"I know you said no flowers but I'm hoping to give you this" Kara reaches into her pocket and pulls out a stone which is carved to look like a rose with layers and layers of petals. "It's not much but it could be a really cool paper weigh.".

Lena takes the stone rose in her hands and trails her finger tips on the edges of the petals. It is truly a work of art. "Oh Kara... It's beautiful. I'm glad I said yes to our date." Lena puts the stone rose on the other side of the seat and caresses Kara's cheek.

"Yea? I'm glad you said yes too." Smiling even more than usual.

Lena's eyes drops down to Kara's lips and she bites her own lips in want and in need. She looks back into Kara's eyes and moves to straddle Kara. Kara freezes for a little and then moves to rest her hand on Lena's waist.

"I really want to show you how glad I am for our date right now" Lena voice drops into a husky seductive tone.

"Yea?" That's all Kara can manage.

"I know I said no funny business but I'm going to kiss you right now. I'll give you exactly three seconds to say no if you are uncomfortable"

Lena internally counting to three before moving closer to Kara. They are both lost in the moment when their lips touch. Lena moans a little when Kara sucks her bottom lip but continues kissing. They pull apart to catch their breath before kissing again. Lena grabs Kara's hair and Kara's hand moves up and down Lena's back.

They continue making out the rest of the way home until the car stops. Lena moves back to the seat next to Kara and tries to catch her breath. Both not making a move to get out of the car as neither one wants the date to end.

Kara turns to face her date "Lena, thank you once again for the wonderful date. I enjoyed myself and I really really like you. Do you think maybe"

"Yes" Lena cuts Kara off before she can complete her question.

"Yes? So that's a yes to a second date?" Kara seeking confirmation.

"No. My 'yes' is to being your exclusive girlfriend."


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