Lexi Odella

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Name: Lexi
Age: 11-12

Appearance: just like the pic above but older
Gender: female
Eyes: blue
Hair: whiteish-blue

Personality: She's shy, kind, caring, needs some time to make friends, reckless

Likes: watching the stars at night, animals, her friends, candy🍭

Nen: Specialization

Cat species- She can turn into any type of cat like a cheetah, Jaguar, leopard, Lion, snow leopard🐆, tiger 🐅...

Healing- She can heal people, but if she heals more that 5 people she will be exhausted

Immense senses-(just like Neferpitou) she has the ability to spot anyone from two kilometers away, she can hear the people's whispering clearly, Lexi can smell things very well ( just like gon), and immense strength where she can use her claws to rip off a nen user's limbs and heads without effort, lastly immense speed and reflexes
She can contract her leg muscles, causing them to bulge, Lexi can increase her speed and can reach her destination within seconds...

Immense agility- she can attack from any angle.

Summoning spirits- she can summon 5 types of spirits each one of them has it's job:
First one is the spirit of light if she is in a dark place with no light it can be used as a source of light 🕯️.
Second one is the fire spirit it can provide heat.
Third one is the wind spirit it helps her fly.
Fourth one is the water spirit when she summons it she can breath under water.
Fifth one is the death spirit when she kills, it can eat the body and leave no trail behind it can also swallow things and store it for her. She can also use the elements of her spirits.

Raising hell- this is her strongest nen ability it is her last resort.
When used, a huge demon appears behind her and eats anything that she orders him to including people, trees, cars, buildings...
(After using it she will faint.)

Illusions: she can create illusions of anything.

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