Our reunion

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After what seemed like forever I woke up, and I found myself stitched up and bandaged it looks like Shal got me back home I sighed they are all gonna be mad at me I got up and made my way out of the room which then I realized it was MY ROOM,
God I missed this place, it was left untouched after my last time here I am not a big fan of people going through my stuff anyways.

When I got out everyone's attention was on me but I realized that not all the trope members were there including chrollo that made me really sad, god knows when I will be coming back here again I went down the stairs and everyone greeted me happily, then they asked me about my journey, and about the people who kidnapped me, After I explained everything with every detail like they asked phinks brought us lunch we ate, and they filled me up with what I had missed thankfully they didn't go on an important mission, and they also told me that chrollo, feiten, and paku went to rob a bank and that they will be back tomorrow night cus it's far,

"It's starting to get late you guys I think I should get going." I said sadly.

"No way you just came!" Said Uvo

"Uvo I have been here for 3 hours and I don't really want to be late."

"Lexi, it's really late already and your wounds didn't heal yet how about you sleep here tonight?" Machi suggested.

"Uhm... I'm not sure the earlier the better don't you think ?"

"No you are staying here plus whats so important that you have to get up for at this time of the night?"

"I-its... uhm... nothing."

"Right" said machi sarcastically.

"Fine, I'm gonna stay only this night though."


~Timeskip to morning~
I woke up at 7 and did my morning routine I then packed my things and wore a new outfit then I went down and ate breakfast with the spiders, after talking and eating we said our goodbyes and I left to search for my friends.

I thought of calling killua but I wasn't sure if he will answer so I called kurapika, and after a few rings he answered;

"Hello, kurapika speaking"

"Hey, pika hows life? Have you guys rescued killua from his family?"


"OWWW,you don't have to yell you know!"

"Hey lexi, it's me gon can you hear me?!?!"

"Jeez, you guys yes I can hear you now answer meeee!"

"Oh right sorry, we are in the butler's house waiting for killua."

"Oh i see, well then theres no need for me to go there, I have to go somewhere make sure to call me when u get killua, and KURAPIKA SAVE MY NAME ON YOUR PHONE!"

"OK, byeeeeee"


Well I have to see hisoka's plan I hope he isn't planning on something stupid

To be continued...

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