A Piercing Thorn

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Hey guys what's up it's the author just a quick comment i edited the last chapter so don't get confused, i made the guy attractive not ugly...i have my reasons. Anyways things are getting exciting soooo...enjoy!

The guy lunges towards me, i shield myself but when he tried to punch me in the lungs and i got ready it never came, he used that as a decoy and punched my nose really hard. I got thrown back and when i hit the ground my eyes watered allot and i felt a bit dizzy, the cocky bastard wasn't an easy one for sure it's not like i could hit his jaw and get him out cold... damn it

I got up, and summoned my nen ability : illusions, i created 10 identical copies of me and we started attacking the guy at an incredible speed, he started dodging some of the kicks not all, suddenly he created a barrier and we couldn't get anywhere close to him

"Oh dear if u think u can defeat me with just that u are very wrong as i have mentioned before i have trained years for this so don't u underestimate me darling."
He said in what i call his richy bitchy accent that sounds like he's some sort of an italian chef.

Just as i was about to reply to him in my own cocky way, my phone started ringing as i look up to see who it is my eyes brighten as i see killua's name,

"Just-uhm just a moment I'll be back i just need to answer this it's quite important-u know." I don't wait for an answer as i pick up and...

"What?" I hear killua say

"Listen i know i messed up like really bad but you need to listen to me I'm really sorry-"

"Lexi, this isn't a situation where a simple sorry could fix everything you know."

"I know i know, it's just very complicated and i really wanted to tell you the truth it's not like what it seems like, i know i am a thief a murderer and a big lier whatever you want to call me but you guys are really my friends and i really do love you killua, I wasn't messing around all this time it was true the time I've spent with u and gon was the best thing ever-"

"Well well well would u believe this little miss murder is acting all sweet."
Ellius or elliot whatever his name was mocked me as he made some rocks float and threw them at me.

I dodged them and," lexi who is that, where are u?" Killua asked

"I'm sorry this guy just came out of nowhere trying kill me I'll call you-"


" hey it's okay I'm used to this I've been at it since 7 or 8 I don't really remember there's no need for u to panic killua-"
i said as i was dodging the rocks that were being thrown at me

"Lexi are u being serious send me your location right now!"

"Alright alright but don't tell me i haven't warned ya-"

Great. He hung up. I send him my location and as soon as i look back at the guy in front of me i get punched in the kidney.

It hurts allot and i start coughing blood which wasn't a really good thing for me, i got up and attacked the guy back i started punching him over and over untill blood covered my knuckles and his cheeks, he fell onto the ground as i stumbled backwards the pain wasn't helping at all.

"Ugh, i just can't believe a little girl like u can cause me all this."

"You know if u ran like your mouth you'd be in good shape."
I said as i wiped the blood dripping from my mouth.

"SHUT IT!" He yelled as our battle resumed; him throwing rocks at me and me dodging over and over, then out of nowhere he got kicked hard and he got thrown to the side and by the looks of it gone unconscious, i looked at my savior and it was none other than killua.

Killua's eyes widen as he looks at my hand,"don't worry it's not my blood." I explained with a small smile

"Whose that freak and why is he trying to kill u ?" Killua asked

"Well he said i killed his family blah blah blah you know...but I didn't really think you'd come here to help me, heck i thought u wouldn't want to see my face again."

"Is this how little you think of me?"

"NO, it's just i am really glad to see you right now."

After a moment of silence

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"To be honest, I wasn't sure whether to tell you or not i was afraid you'd leave but i guess it happened anyways." I said

"I hate it when u make me look like I'm the one to blame, like i am enjoying all of this."

"Why did u come back?"

"You want me to leave u here to die alone ?? at least i can get the bounty for your head now."

"To think i trusted u..." I sobbed as tears blurred my eyes.

" Why just why would u do this to me to everyone???"

"I didn't have a choice!" I cried.

"WHAT DO U MEAN??" He yelled

" My life was worthless and I was nothing more than trash, i met evil when i was only a child and i just wanted to die untill Chrollo saved me, i became something, at least I wasn't left alone with the scum bags that i was with, he rescued me, taught me everything I know, and above all he was there for me all my life, and you expect me to do what? I wanted to make friends and i fell in love with you, i swear I didn't plan to, it just happened I didn't want to lose you just because of my horrible mistakes, i know I'm a mess, and you deserve someone much better than me, i never wanted this to turn out this way, i know i let u down, and i have no idea how to fix this but, i need you, i love you, more than anything." I sobbed as i looked up at killua whose eyes watered.

Suddenly i notice the guy ; who i have completely forgot about lunch an incredible amount of nen at killua so i stood up immediately and summoned my nen ability raising hell to save him, a humongous demon came out and blocked the attack as it went and started destroying everything in it's way, all that's left from the man was his blood and his crushed bones, that didn't stop the demon though, it kept on destroying everything and started heading towards the city, i tried to stop it but i was in too much pain, killua tried to stop me but i had no other choice but to summon my other ability death spirit it was my last resort, i summoned it and it immediately ate the demon, and that resulted in it fading away as i fell on the ground i tried to stay conscious but all i was hearing was my lovers pleads and sobs.

To be continued...

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