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A long time had passed in heaven's arena lexi and the boys kept training and finally the day has come Gon was going to fight Hisoka, the outcome was quite obvious but Gon was too stubborn and once he made up his mind there was nothing that can stop him even his best friends.

Killua and Lexi went together to buy the tickets to their friend's match, Killua was deep in thought, he wanted to understand his feelings a few months ago and now he fully understands he is in love with lexi and he hates the fact that he's too hesitate to confess to her she didn't seem like she would return his feelings, and that's why he's been saying the same thing over and over in his head 'we're just friends'. Even Gon noticed killua's attitude and he somehow got killua to tell him what has been going on with him and as expected from Gon he advised him to confess sooner than later, but killua knew that if he confessed to her and she rejected him things will be awkward between them and their friendship will be destroyed just like his heart and so he is trying his best to keep things the way they are.

After getting the tickets they met up with zushi and his master who were also looking up to the match, they all went and got their seats, Killua sat next to lexi meanwhile zushi and Wing sat at the other side (since there wasn't an empty seat near the two)
Much to killua's dislike he started to feel butterflies in his stomach while taking quick glances at the female next to him who was distracted by the chocolate bar, she sharpened her claws, ripping off it's wrapper, he never thought he would ever fall in love but here he was like those love sick people in fantasies.

The commenter got everyone's attention stating that the fight has begun and killua was too distracted to even see his best friend enter he really had to find a way to get rid of those feelings.

(After gon's fight;)
(Killua's pov)

I knew Gon wouldn't stand a chance against hisoka but seeing him actually punching that creep in the face was so cool,
Even lexi looked surprised- speaking of lexi she was just standing next to me where did she go...ugh I need to stop worrying too much about her I'm sure she can handle herself better than anyone, anytime now she's going to be here again, I thought while making my way to Gon's room.

Lexi pov

I left killua and went to meet up with machi and hisoka, to be honest I didn't expect gon to stand a minute Infront of hisoka cause afterall hisoka is one of the strongest phantom troupe members even chrollo said so.

"Hey, I didn't know you're here machi."

"This moron forgot to tell you something so I had to come make sure myself."

"My bad~" hisoka said slyly.

"What thing?"

"Shalnark was hacking through the auction that's going to be held in September and he found out that the mafia has been looking for you."

"They want me as an object to be sold in the auction right?"

"Well it's just-"

"Machi please tell me the truth"

She sighed," Danchao is forbidding you from coming to steal the auction it's for your safety."

"What??, he thinks I can't handle myself??"

"No it's not that... you just get too reckless sometimes that nothing stops you even death so that was the best choice to make"

"Even you machi! I can't believe this, aren't you guys the ones who taught me everything and trained me if you thought of me like that then why did you even make me a proper member to begin with!"

Not wasting another second I turned around and dasked out, too mad to deal with anyone anymore I was sure my bloodlust unbearable with all the people getting away from me I just wanted to be all alone.
I entered my room and shit the door so hard I thought it would break I ran to my bed and my anger faded and turned into tears going down my cheeks, soon I was sobbing I took off my hoodie leaving me in a crop top and my black leggings I hated it when my frustrations and anger just turns into tears making me all weak, I brought me knees closer to my body and hugged them tight-

"Lexi what- are you okay?" An all so familiar voice came I looked up and saw killua right Infront of me he looked worried and his eyes held sadness in them.

"Im-im fine" was all I managed to say I tried to force my lips up and form a little smile but it only made more tears come out and I broke down into a sobbing mess killua hugged my tight and rubbed my back trying to calm me back which surprisingly did. He waited a bit and then he put his hands on my cheeks and asked me,

"What happened, did anyone hurt you?"

As much as I wanted to tell him everything I've been going through and lift the weight off my shoulders it had to wait I could not risk telling him yet not him or gon.

"I'm fine now thank you."

He looked unconvinced but he decided to shrug it off and suddenly reality hit us both,
Killua's hands were on my cheeks our faces inches apart and we were all alone in the darkness of my room on my bed I felt like my cheeks were burning but then I noticed that killua had a soft smile on his face not a usual frown nor a smirk it was just a nice smile as he said,"you'll probably hate me after this but I can't wait any longer." Before I could process his words I felt his lips on mine so soft I kissed him back and I it seemed like he didn't expect me to, the kiss was nice, slow, and full of passion. Neither of us wanted to pull away but we had to breath...and just like that all my sadness vanished and I wanted nothing more than killua by my side.

To be continued...

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