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Lexi pov:

After eating with Chrollo, we discussed a few matters and he told me about a new mission coming up, on the night of September 1st an auction will be held, there will be precious items sold, and he wants us to steal everything, it didn't sound very hard but I started feeling anxious about it, I mean we have stole auctions before and museums but this one might be a little different , Chrollo stated that the mafia will be there as much as I like to crush skulls but I have a feeling that it would be better to not go...

I asked him politely if I can't go but he said that this might be one of the biggest and most important missions the troupe went to so I didn't really have a choice but to go.

Leaving the hotel Chrollo stayed at, I decided to head back to heaven's arena and check out gon and killua's progress.

Timeskip (after a long and boring ride with an old taxi driver)

Well that took like forever, anyways I went in and found out that gon was against one of the rookie crushers, Lord have mercy...
I was already 5 mins late and the tickets were sold out so I watched the fight from my room, the fight was...bad like really really bad and gon broke his arm I rushed to his room, I knocked on the door and killua opened it he looked quite surprised but he immediately got rid of that and said,

"O-oh hey lexi what's up"

"Oi don't act so innocent and open the door I watched the stupid fight, now open up so I can talk to that idiot!"

"fine" he opened it and I went in, gon was on the bed with a broken arm but he looked at me with a huge grin this boy never changes literally.

"Lexiiiii you're finally back you should see what me and killua can do know we learned so much and we are on the 200s floor believe it or not Wing-san taught us nen and we met hisoka here, he told me that he is waiting for me-"

"GON, PLEASE STOP!" I yelled angrily.


"I just came here to say that what you did was nothing but a dumb thing, I realized that that guy taught you nen but dude you are still a beginner and I'm sure that guy should have mentioned that you still need more training, you could have died!"

"Sorry lexi I was just really excited to try it."

"It's alright we can't do anything about it now anyways but next time you better not do something as stupid as that okay???"

And suddenly we heard someone knocking more like trying to break the door killua went and opened it only to be met with an angry Wing who stumped into the room and slapped gon, everybody was shocked even Wing-san himself,


"Pardon me Wing-san but I scolded gon a few minutes ago about this there's no need for you to tire yourself, I think I made it clear besides next time he tries something like that I'll make sure to be the one to break his hand first" I said calmly.

"Oh ok great thank you lexi, by the way killua how long will it take Gon it get healed?"

"2 months" killua lied.

"Alright then, gon untill then I forbid you from training or using your nen at all all you could do is meditation for the time being."


"Deal with it gon accept it as your punishment for what you did." I said.

He sighed, and then Wing-san took out a ribbon and tied it around gon's pinky.

Smart old man. Hehe

"Everytime you look at this ribbon remember our promise okay?"


"I'll be on my way then take care all of you."

"Bye!" We said in unison.

I took a look at killua and said," how much time does he really need to heal?"

"2 months." He lied again.

"You can't fool me kill I am well aware that that was a lie."

"4 months." He answered with a sigh

"That makes much more sense, now why don't we give gon some space so he can rest I'm sure he's a bit tired after all of that."

Gon went to argue but I grabbed killua and left the room I then draged him all the way to my room avoiding all the strangers stares at us, I opened the door, went in and I finally left him.

"Oi baka! Don't drag me around like that."

"Heh sorry I was kind of excited to know what you guys learned and stuff"

"Well, as gon said we learned what nen was, it's categories, and four eyes opened our cores, it was really painful."

"That seems nice, what else?"

"We also- wait I have a question for you where, when, and how did you learn about nen?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm listening."

"Ok fine, well uhm I...it was...like...well...A few friends of mine taught me it when I was around 7 or 8 and well the rest is just like your story."

"Okayyyyy." He seemed unconvinced but I can't really tell him that I got kidnapped and the phantom troupe recruited me as a member then they started teaching me nen and training me he'll probably just faint or something I'll have to tell him sooner or later though.

"Since you know nen what category do you belong to?" He asked.

Oh no

"I'm a... specialist"

"Really? That's cool I thought you'd be a transmuter or something."

"Nah, I'm a specialist, what about you?"

"I still don't know but hopefully after gon recovers we'll find out."

"Yeah hopefully."

To be continued...

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