Are we friends ?

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Lexi P.O.V

After a while of running gon asked me and killua a question;
" Guys why do you wanna become hunters?"

"I heard the exam was going to be hard." Answered killua.

"Same here am not really interested in becoming a hunter I came here cuz I thought it was fun."

"What about you gon?" Killua asked.

"My father is a hunter I wanted to become a hunter to know why he left me, and I want to find him as well." Gon replied.

"What type of hunter is he?" Asked killua.

"I am not sure." Answered gon, me and killua just sweat dropped.

"Wha--you really are weird." Killua said.

Gon suddenly stopped so we stopped too when we looked at what gon was looking at our eyes met at Leorio who was sweating and panting.

"Forget him, let's just go." Said killua.

"Yeah let's go."I added.

Then all of a sudden Leorio said,"Damn you all I'M GONNA BECOME A HUNTER!!!"and he ran past us it was like he got some sort of energy boost<( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Then gon pulled out his fishing pole and used it to grab Leorio's suitcase.

"Let me try that some other time k?" Asked killua.

"Only if you let me try your skateboard." Said gon.

"Hey can I try those too?" I asked.

"Sure lexi-chan."said gon.

"I also have these 👇you guys can try them too if you like." I offered.

"Wow those are so cool

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"Wow those are so cool." They said.
"So deal?" I asked.
"YEAH!!" They answered


"Hey guys look I can see the exit."said killua.
We rushed there but we crossed the finish line simultaneously. Gon and killua started arguing while I just sat on the grass waiting, then they asked Statoz and he told them that we all crossed together, soon the rest of the participants exited the dark tunnel we were in. Statoz started explaining about the Milsy Wetlands; a swamp filled with deadly creatures...I wasn't focusing on his lecture untill something came up and claimed that it was the examiner and it fooled most of the examinees I was starting to get pissed off cuz they are literally wasting our time so I went over to hisoka,

" hisoka, could you get rid of that thing for me it is a waste of time." I said.

"Sure thing dear.~" and like that he threw some cards at it and at the examiner which the examiner caught between his fingers.

"~I see I see that settles it then, Examiners are hunters who are picked by the hunter association so any hunter could have blocked that attack.~"He explained.

"I shall take that as a compliment but next time you attack me you will get disqualified understood?"


I thanked hisoka and followed the examiner who was leading us to the second was getting foggy so I decided to stick to hisoka cuz he usually knows what he's doing. I noticed a group of men following us and whispering stuff about him I looked at hisoka who was having a creepy smile, soon the group of men surrounded us,

"You are not hunter material hisoka we will spare your life if you swear to not take the hunter exam again."

I chuckled softly and said,"Are you sure you are talking to the right person?"

"Stay out of this little girl." Said one of the men, I took out my fan wanting to kill him but hisoka whispered in my ear:" keep those for me doll." I sighed and nodded putting my fans back in my bag and making my way to a tree to sit down.

"Why would I redo the exam if I pass this year?~" he asked.

"Idiot can't you see this fog we are all going to fail." The man said.

"How about a little game where I test if you all are hunter material or not~" hisoka suggested.

"BASTARD!!" They yelled and attacked him.

Then by one swift move they were all dead but two men came out they were KURAPIKA AND LEORIO!! but luckily they did chose a wise decision which was to run in the opposite directions, but that idiot Leorio came back and got himself beaten up just when he was about to get his last punch gon interrupted and hit hisoka in the face with his fishing pole. I should say that was brave, hisoka started getting worked up and he help gon up and started choking him I then said,
"hisoka leave him alone please. "

"Why would I dear, I thought you weren't friends?~"

"Umm not sure...just leave him alone."I said.

"As you wish~"he left gon and went to the unconscious Leorio he picked him up and started leaving then he stopped, looked at me and said,
"aren't you coming my little fruit?~"

"Ahh right, lets go" I said and followed him I took a last glance at gon who was looking at us confusion written all over his face.

To be continued...

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