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Lexi pov:
I arrived at the troupe's hideout and I tensed up the last time I met with them didn't end well, I enter the abandoned place and I am met with the spiders not all of them though machi, nobunaga, phinks, pakunoda and uvogin were nowhere to be seen so i guessed they went on a mission or something.

"LEXI!!!oh god it's been so long how are you??" Shalnark greeted me cheerful as always

"I'm fine how have y'all been?"

"We're doing fine, follow me I want to tell ya something." Says chrollo.

I follow him silently into one of the hideout's rooms, we enter and he closes the door behind us as he looks me in the eyes and says,

"Tell me everything that happened to you while u were gone, all the details too ."

"Is something wrong boss?"

"you tell me about your adventure and I'll tell you what happened, deal?"


i sat next to him and told him everything about the hunter exam, the people i met, my friends, and about killua. He listened to me, listened to everything i said, laughed at the funny memories and smiled when he saw me happy. Chrollo was someone i love very much not the kind of love that would give me butterflies but the one I'd feel if my parents were still alive, the love I'd feel if i had an older sibling ;a family.

As promised he told me about the auction and how uvogin was kidnapped and all that happened in the last few days with him.

He then asks me if i might have an idea about who could be the chain user and that's when my heart sped and i got nervous. Knowing I can't lie to him or tell him the truth.

"Are you alright dear?"

"I-uhm i do know the chain user but-"

"It's fine if you don't want to say who he is we'll find out eventually but did u know he was going to kill uvogin?"

"No I didn't, i only knew he would come after us someday."

"I see, well then don't worry about it we're going to get our revenge soon." He said as he stood up leaving

"Wait-is uvo really dead?" I said while tears threatened to fall.

He let out a sigh as he kneeled down, looked ne in the eyes and said,

" Yes he was killed by the chain user."

He wiped my tears and added

"we'll get our revenge, I'm going to go to the nostrade family and steal a nen ability that can help with seeing the future that way we can tail the chain user down easily, i want u to stay here with the rest of the members for your safety."

"Okay take care." I muttered wiping my tears and going back in the room where the members sat.

I sat next to shalnark and we played cards to pass some time a few minutes later he received a call from phinks telling him he captured two hostages who he thinks are related to the chain user and that he will be here soon.

Killua POV

As we get dragged to the phantom troupe's hideout I try to come up with a plan to escape, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible, the four members were crazy strong and I didn't want to take any risks with gon.

As we enter the hideout, i immediately notice hisoka but i act otherwise, unfortunately gon didn't hide his reaction and so the samurai guy asked if we knew anyone and i tell him that we met that girl while arm wrestling and they start talking with her about it, i looked to the other members and i couldn't believe my eyes i saw lexi...

Lexi POV

Shit shit shit shit shit, what the hell are they doing here!

The hostages are gon and killua!

I don't think they noticed me-
Nope killua just did and his reaction is priceless if it wasn't for the situation i would have laughed but I'm in big trouble this is bad.

"L-lexi why are you here, are u also a hostage???" Gon asks.

"Baka she's with them " killua tells gon with tear filled eyes.

"What do u mean?" He asks

"She's-she's a phantom troupe member."

"You two know lexi?" Feitan asks them

"She's our friend." Gon mumbles sadly

At that moment some of the spiders' were shocked other laughed.

"I met those guys at the hunter exam."
I said plainly

"Hey kid, i wanna arm wrestle u." Said nobunaga

They sat down and arn wrestled and it was obvious that gon didn't stand a chance untill he hot mad and slammed nobunaga hand but then feiten suddenly appeared behind gon ready to break his arm, killua went to help him but hisoka put his knife like cards behind killua's neck threatening to kill him if he moves.

"Feiten step back." I said walking towards him

"Yeah feiten we're not going to kill them."

"I don't take my orders from you."

" Feiten, break his hand and I'll break yours."

Everyone went silent and feitan just glared at me then shizuku told us to solve it with a coin flip and fortunately feitan let go of gon and the spiders decided to keep them hostages instead of killing them.

"What's with u?" Machi asked me


You are acting all strange, when did u start caring about people?

Well, it's not like that it's a whole different story

You know you really changed since the time u left to that hunter exam u were never like that

I sighed as i tried to think of a way to let them escape before the boss comes cuz if he sees them he'll not leave them at all then Shalnark gives out flyers of all the bodyguards working for Neon Nostrade. They pair up to find the Chain user and since Nobunaga is staying behind as i also said I'll stay, Machi is stuck with Hisoka, much to her dismay.

Third pov:

In a prison-like setting, Nobunaga sits watching Gon and Killua. Gon holds his hand in pain, while Killua thinks of Hisoka's killing intent from before. Illumi passes through his mind, reminding him if someone is stronger then don't fight them and give up. Killua loses himself for a moment, standing up and releasing a good amount of aura. Nobunaga laughs, thinking that it's a challenge and Killua tries to walk towards him, but freezes in a cold sweat, eventually walking back powerless. He punches a wall in anger and Gon thinks of a way of escape. Gon mentions some  things Zepile taught them when he notices Killua shaking, who offers himself as a decoy for Gon, but Nobunaga hears the whole thing, telling him to forget it. Killua figures with his sword, his range is twice as much as his own. Illumi creeps in his mind again, but he wants to try anyway until Gon punches him in the head. They begin arguing about who has the right to die until Nobunaga starts to laugh. He tells them as long as they don't make any trouble, they won't get hurt and can leave if Chrollo won't accept them.

Once again, Gon mentions side-stepping, giving them both an idea. They charge their Nen and rush towards Nobunaga, who prepares to kill them, but instead both crash through the walls of the room in opposite directions. Nobunaga chases Gon, but is tricked by a hole in the wall that leads to nowhere. They both use Zetsu, so Nobunaga uses En. Gon and Killua have already escaped, leaving the building and heading back to Yorknew City. They both stand in utter disbelief ,one they have escaped the phantom troupe and two they're best friend turned out to be a spider and they had no idea this whole time they felt betrayed and they still wanted to defeat the Phantom Troupe, but now they must get a lot stronger to do so. Killua tells Gon that Kurapika is the Chain user and figures he's the best person to ask about the Troupe although telling him about lexi would be a big step.

To be continued...

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