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Nobunaga rushes and tells lexi how the two boys escaped as she thanks god that they are safe he then asks her if she can track them down but she simply refuses and says as she takes her leave that she has more important things to deal with.

Neon, with the help of Chrollo, is able to get passed the security and goes inside the building where the auction is held. Light gets an update about his daughter that she has entered the auction house and gets worried about her safety. Meanwhile Chrollo chats with Neon about her Fortune Telling skill and asks her if she can foretell his fortune to which Neon agrees. When she finishes her ability, Chrollo reads the first verse of the paper and tears flow from his eyes by saying that all of the things foretold are true. It essentially says, he'll mourn for lost comrades, be injured, but will remain strong, and to find new teammates. The two then leave the restaurant.

Lexi meets up with the spiders then,
Feitan tells them about the message he receives from their Boss, telling them to "go wild" while getting to the Cemetery Building where the auction is supposed to be held. Phinks asks him about the others and Feitan replies that they are on their way to the cemetery, but they are cleaning up trash while approaching the Building. Other members of the Troupe, except Hisoka who watches from afar, are seen in the streets of Yorknew City disposing all the police and mafia members. Meanwhile, Chrollo uses his Nen ability, Indoor Fish, to kill the assassins that were after him, while stating the prophecy that's been foretold to him, performs a requiem by shedding blood dedicated to Uvogin.

The Phantom Troupe continues to wreak havoc on the streets of Yorknew City. Meanwhile, Kurapika and his Boss were in the room where Neon is resting. Kurapika decides to patrol the building, but Light stops him and begs him to stay for his daughter’s safety while waiting for their rescue and the doctor to arrive. Shortly after, the doctor arrives and examines Neon's condition. Bean questions Kurapika about him staying in Neon’s room instead of doing his job by hunting down the Phantom Troupe. Afterwards, Kurapika gets permission to patrol the building.

While patrolling, members and bosses of the mafia are seen unsatisfied with their situation. Kurapika then receives a call from Gon and Killua. The two tell Kurapika about them being kidnapped by the Phantom Troupe and about there friend who was a spider all along which makes Kurapika very angry. The two still insist on helping by giving him information, but Kurapika refuses since he has another source and doesn't want them to get involved in his mission. After their conversation, the Phantom Troupe continues their rampage while getting near the auction building. The situation inside Cemetery Building is uncontrollable in which the members of the mafia start to panic and want to protect themselves by breaking the rules of the auction.

Lexi pov

We enter the building and shalnark leads us to where chrollo is, on the way i couldn't stop thinking about gon and killua and how i was going to be able to see their faces again, then i feel two incredible auras in the building so i go with feitan to see the source after going up a few floors we are met with two zoldycks, zeno and silva

"We just finished from lucilfer."

"Oh well i guess we didn't come this way for nothing." I said

We walked passed them and we were meet with a destroyed room then the others came and we saw chrollo on the ground i ran up to him.

"Hey lexi, don't worry I'm fine." He said to me with a little smile then he looked at the others and greeted them
Telling them how he was disappointed that he didn't steal their abilities then he orders kortopi to make fake corpses for some of the members i wanted one too but he said that I wasn't a known member so it wasn't necessary.

Gon and Killua find out Leorio and Zepile having fun in their room. Leorio invites them to drink and Killua refuses, saying that he and Gon are still underage. They narrate on how they were captured by the Spiders and Leorio is impressed that they escaped but he was shocked how someone like lexi would be in the phantom troupe, killua then says that she was always incredibly strong but he could have never guessed that she was a spider, Leorio then asks why would a spider prefer to hang out with them all this time killua says it might have been planned beforehand but gon opposes and says she was their friend and it wasn't an act but he still felt really sad. Gon tells Zepile on how his lesson helped them during their capture. Leorio invites Gon and Killua to the auction tomorrow but Gon tells him that they will learn Nen from Kurapika.

The phantom troupe members drink to celebrate their success lexi then takes permission to leave stating that she had something to do.

Lexi pov

I try to call killua and gon but they don't pick up i sigh as i try to come up with a better plan but then my thoughts get interrupted by an unbelievable flow of bloodlust coming near me, by the time i felt it i was already far from the hideout, in the middle of nowhere literally,

Then the guy shows up and i finally get to see him he was... attractive i don't really know how to describe but he was attractive and crazy strong.

Man...why do i get in trouble at the worst times is it my luck or-


I looked around to make sure he was talking to me and-

"u dumb brat of course I'm talking to u who else could i possibly be talking to here ??"

" Oh sorry i got confused, but who are you."


"what? That doesn't sound like something i would do i mean if i killed your family why would i leave u alive doesn't sound really convincing to me."

"U BRAT!!" he lunged towards me as i release some nen and prepare to get my hands dirty

To be continued...

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