In a cage

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Lexi P.O.V
After the massacre I ran away from the island , I went to the outside world but I was lost I had nowhere to go nothing to eat and no one to ask. When the cruel people saw that I was a neko they started to fight over me as if I was some toy before I knew it I was kidnapped by a group of men I couldn't defend myself... and here I am chained in a cage I feel like I am a bird that can't fly but I have hope and I know I won't be staying here for long . My parents trained me day and night they taught me the basics of nen and am sure their efforts won't go to waste.

Four years later

It has been four years since I was kidnapped, everyday the same man would visit me and bring me food, water, he would laugh at me and leave, this has been my life. I don't even remember what it looked like outside, or the last time I talked or smiled ever since I came here I was treated meserably I don't even know how I look like. He doesn't allow me to get out of the cage unless his friends come over so he can show them how pathetic I am. I have lost hope of escaping I feel like am a broken toy that no one wants anymore.

This morning the man came with my food I started eating usually he would leave after he gives me the food but today he kept staring I decided to stay silent since I have never talked infront of him after I finished he took the plate and said,"I can't believe that I sold you for 10 milyon dollars turns out you are not as pathetic as I thought ." and like that he left I sat there dumbfounded and I felt like this would be a great chance for me to escape so I decided to wait and see if luck is gonna be on my side or not today.

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