Second phase

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Gon P.O.V
I can't believe what just happened, first I get choked by Hisoka then Lexi doesn't know if we're friends. All of a sudden Kurapika came to me and said,"Are you okay?"

"Yeah am fine thankfully he didn't kill me." I smiled weakly.

"Ummm...are you sure you seem kinda sad?" He asked.

" you think lexi is really a bad person like what Tonpa-san said?"

"I didn't get to know her well so I can't judge yet but why are you thinking about this now?"kurapika asked.

I told him what happened and he said we should probably ask her ourselves. I then stood up and began sniffing Leorio's Cologne and we followed it untill we stopped where the other participants did...I noticed that Lexi was talking with Hisoka and a creepy guy who has pins.

"I thought you were lost how did you find your way here?" Asked killua.

"Oh, I followed Leorio's Cologne."I said with a wide grin.

"Wow you are so weird gon!" He said.

"Hey guys look it's Leorio."KURAPIKA said.

We made our way there when he woke up he didn't remember so we decided to not tell him, Then I saw Lexi wandering around without Hisoka and pinhead so I took that chance to ask her. Just when I decided to do that killua's voice interrupted my thoughts.

" to gon!!" Killua yelled.

"Whaaa-sorry were you talking to me?" Which in return he just sweatdropped and said,"I have been talking to you ughh nevermind what were you thinking of?"

"I was thinking if Lexi considers us as friends or not."I answered sadly.

"Of course she considers us as friends why would she talk and walk with us if we weren't her friends...BAKA!! WE ARE IN THE HUNTER'S EXAM AND YOU ARE THINKING OF DUMB THINGS FOCUS!!" He scolded me.

"I shall take my leave then best of luck to everyone." Said statoz.

"Welcome everyone to the second phase step forward." A woman who had green hair said.

We all did then we heard a load grumble,
" seems like you're hungry buhara. "

"Am starving."

"Well there you have it the second phase will be COOKING!!"
right after she said that the participants started laughing some saying,
"I am here to become a hunter not a cook." Others saying,
"What a joke."
I didn't listen to them I just got ready and waited patiently for the ingredients to be said.
Lexi P.O.V
Ughhhh those idiots they won't stop nagging and the thing is am not going to even try cooking cuz I know I suck at it and that Menchi girl she will probably fail us all am just gonna sit and wait. Am I really going to fail the hunter exam ?

As I thought Menchi failed everyone Thank god I didn't waste my energy on nothing then someone fell from the sky😂 oh wait it's the that old man is annoying I have met him before and let's just say it didn't turn out so well. They have decided to redo the phase we are going to go to the spider-eagle web.

Timeskip(after they rode the airship)

We have arrived at our destination I immediately realized what we were supposed to do, so I jumped off the cliff and hung on one of the webs while grabbing a dream egg after a couple of seconds I let go and let the wind carry me back up, which worked out well the participants were shocked and I also realized that Menchi jumped right after I did she grabbed an egg, hing on the web, and finally let go the web carried to the cliff as well. After seeing thos some examinees were to scared to try while others died while doing it and the rest passed. The dream eggs tasted good although I don't usually eat eggs but this one is good. We have finished the second phase and now we are going to head to the airship where it will take us to the third phase...I hope it's fun:)

To be continued...

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