-Feiten Portor-

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An: So basically I wrote this chapter for fun it wasn't really supposed to be written but I thought I'd write something about Feiten so...yup
Oh and also this chapter doesn't follow the original anime events:)

Third person POV

In the morning, lexi parted ways with her friends and got on a ship that would take her to Bodmon ; an ancient city that has lot's of tourists, she was going to meet up with Feiten.

Feiten Portor; the phantom troupe's #2, assassin, and a skilled torturer.
He lived in Bodmon City, and collected weapons. He called lexi over to help him with killing a group of people called the XXX they were drug's traders, they had a good bond with the black market, which is why he wanted to capture them get himself some new weapons and torture machines, then kill them.
It's not like he couldn't do the job alone but it would be easier with another person.

Arriving at Bodmon, the city was very crowded with lot's of traders, merchants, and tourists. She called feiten and they both met up, after along time.

Lexi POV

I met up with feiten and I told him about the hunter's exam, he wasn't very happy when I told him about Killua and gon and he said that they were just,

"A real situation will always expose fake friends. "

I didn't really pay much attention to it because I somehow felt that I'd never want to lose Gon and killua.

We passed by a few stalls until we reached a dark alley, their was some drunks laying on the ground, I felt disgusted by their apperences, We kept walking untill we reached feiten's home.

His home was just as expected, very plain and simple, a couch a tv and inside his bedroom was only a bed nothing more, he led me to the basement which had all of his weapons, unlike his plain furniture he had a collection of all types of knives, swords, guns ...

We sat down and he started explaining the plan for me, how tomorrow an auction was going to be held not as amazing as the Yorknew city but it had some interesting items.
He wanted to steal a sword that the XXX group is going to purchase, he had some information about the members of the group and their nen abilities they are 4 in total I'll be dealing with two and the other two will be feiten's responsibility.

As it darkened outside, I unpacked my things and got ready to bed, feiten told me to sleep on his bed while he slept on the couch stating that he's used to it and that it wasn't a big deal.


In the morning we had breakfast, and We made our way to the auction, it was crowded and people from different countries roamed around.
The auction started and the items weren't so fascinating.

After a while, the XXX group showed up and as feiten said they really bought the sword, the got into a mini van and left. That was when our plan started.

We went after them, untill they stopped at a petrol station, one of the member's went down and that was when feiten chopped his head off, the other members got out to see what happened and they were shocked and outraged, so they went to attack us,
I used my nen ability and turned into a leopard and ripped the guy's heart Out, then I transformed back and summoned the fire spirit and burned the other man, Meanwhile feiten was fighting with the group's boss, it didn't take long before another head rolled on the ground.

Blood was everywhere, and the people at the petrol station were all murdered thanks to me. Feiten stole the sword and we used their van to go back to our meeting place, then we stopped and he thanked me for helping, we went and had lunch and we parted ways.

I got on an airship, heading to Yorknew where I am gonna meet up with me friends.

All while thinking,
"Will i be okay..."


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