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It was a busy day on Hydra island( An: it's not the same one in Greece) some of the Nekos were fishing others were harvesting but most were selling, trading, and buying things from the bazaar.
They were selling paintings, jewelry, spices, scents, soups, and many other things. The candy stalls were crowded with children, the jewelry stalls were crowded with women, and the armoury stalls were crowded with men.

The Odella family were the head or the so called leaders. The family was consisted of the father, mother, the daughter, and the grandparents. The father's name was Adriel and the mother's name was Laura their daughter's name was Lexi.

Adriel was making sure everything was going alright at the bazaar while his wife took their daughter to the huge tree. They were having a great time untill they heard screaming and gunshots coming from the bazaar Laura told her daughter to stay in her place and that she will come back after a bit.

The screaming stopped but Laura still didn't come back, Lexi waited for hours but nobody returned she thought they forgot about her so she decided to go and see for herself. When the 7 years old girl arrived at the bazaar she was shocked, everything was destroyed, blood was everywhere, and more than a hundred dead bodies were there. She rushed to the village only to see houses burnt and blood splattered everywhere then she went to her house and she saw her parents corpses on the ground she couldn't believe what was happening so she fell on the ground and fainted.

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