Last phase

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The participants have passed all of the phases up to now 1 more phase is left they have gotten on an airship. Chairman Netero has asked the examinees to visit his office to talk Nobody knows what's going on in the old man's head but hopefully it's good.
Gon P.O.V
The chairman has asked everyone to visit him killua and lexi have already got interviewed and now it's my turn they said that it's nothing bad just a simple talk, I trust them and I know they would never lie to me I knock on the chairman's door and I hear a "Come in" so that's what I do.

" Oh hello there little boy, gon wasn't it?"

"Yes that's me!"

He chuckled and said," well gon take a seat I'll be asking you some questions just answer and you can go"

"Ok, but are they related to the last phase Netero-san?"

"Maybe, maybe not" he said.

"Um,ok I guess"

"Alright so gon what is your main reason for becoming a hunter?"

"OH! Well I want to become a hunter because I heard that my dad was one and he left me so he can work on his hunter's things so I will become a hunter and find him."

"Mhmm" he wrote something on his notebook then,"Second question is which participants have you kept an eye on?"

"My friends; killua, kurapika, leoreo, and lexi!" I answered him happily 😁

"Oooo, and my last question is which participants do you least want to fight?"

"I don't want to fight anyone but if it's necessary then I don't want to fight my friends, and I don't want to fight hisoka and #301 because they are creepy!"

"Hahahah, well ok gon thank you for your time."

"Thank you Netero-san!" And like that I left.


"Well, well, well 10 participants have passed isn't it wonderful?~" Said hisoka.

"I want to congratulate you all for passing the previous phases, now I will be explaining the last phase." Said Netero.

"I didn't expect all these rookies to pass." Whispered Buhara.

"Don't underestimate them buhara they were really impressive." Menchi whispered back.

"The last phase will include fighting, the fights will be one vs one." He said making everyone gasp except you know who😏.

Lexi P.O.V
After the old man's explanation more like lecture I was up against Netero-san I know what you're thinking How? What? Why? Well when he interviewed me I told him that I was interested in fighting him so that's what we are going to do now I am sure he won't use his full power and I know it but it's still worth it.

Killua P.O.V
WHAT? I still can't process what's happening Lexi is going to fight the old geezer I have no idea how they ended up in this but I'm not happy at all and I'm freaking out there is no way she can win unless she has some super power or something but taking a ball from the guy is like a dream or I should say a nightmare.

Anyways, they stood infront of eachother and both of them seemed pretty calm guess I'm the only one freaking out I look to the side and see that kurapika and Leoreo also have worried expressions well that's good but gon seems excited.

No one's P.O.V

The two share a last glance at eachother then the referee says the rules and like that the battle has started between the strongest man and the powerful spider.

They both headed straight to each other moving faster than lights nobody was able to see anything other than two lights moving as fast as flash and before anyone knows it the chairman has been kicked straight to the wall breaking it from the force and then there seemed to be two lexis
One of them stood right the other stood left and they started hitting the old man, after some painful hits she was kicked right in her stomach making the illusion disappear and her back hit the wall with a loud sound, she fell to the ground but immediately stood and reattacked the chairman.

The battle seemed even, though it was obvious that they were both not using their full power then something unexpected happened the old man surrendered though he wasn't tired or hurt he just gave up leaving everyone stunned by the events.

After the two fought it was gon's turn but unfortunately the following happened:

Lexi P.O.V
but before I could watch my friend's fight my phone rang grabbing everyone's attention ,"heh, sorry about that everyone I'll be right back" I apologized and made my way out I sat on the ground and answered my phone,

"Hey lexi, How are ya we haven't talked in a while?"

"Uhmm, pardon me but who are you exactly?"

"Oh, have you forgotten me?"


"Well, I won't be telling you who I am that easily it won't be fun now would it but let's make a deal you follow my orders and I won't hurt you"

"Excuse me, WHAT?"

"Just like I said lexi and just so you know I know everything about you."

"Wth, as if I'm going to trust a stranger."

"Want a prufe ?"


"You are standing in front of the hotel owned my the hunters and you have successfully passed the hunter's exam congratulations btw."


"Well, I can't really answer that but hurry up and get your license then am gonna call you to tell you my next order and remember if you don't do as I say I will hurt you." And like that he threatened.

Honestly I wasn't scared of that bastard but the fact that he knows some stuff about me pisses me off so I'd have to get rid of him, I entered again and they were still fighting and it seems so bad but unfortunately I can't watch I asked the chairman and explained to him my situation and thankfully he gave me my license my friends looked at me sadly even gon who was fighting got really sad, I then gave killua and kurapika my number since they are the only ones who have phones and when I started leaving a thought hit me WHAT IF THEY WERE THE ONES SPYING ON ME TECHNICALLY THEY HAVE BEEN WITH ME SINCE THE START but then again they would never do that hopefully.

To be continued...

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