Out of here!

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So basically after beating up the weaklings we got to stay in a small room for HOURS, we first explored the room to see if there was anything fun to do, secondly we played with each other's things and killua was teaching us how to ride his skateboard then we started eating gon and killua were playing and feeding each other while me, kurapika, leoreo, and tonpa just ate peacefully. I didn't sleep the first day but then I slept for a couple of hours on the other days.
We finally got out of the room we got to vote and then more doors will open up but when we arrived at the last door it said that there was an easy path that will only take a few minutes but only 3 people were allowed to pass while the other path was hard and long but we all can pass we froze then tonpa grabbed one of the weopens on the wall and swung it toward Leorio's head thankfully he was able to dodge.

Then he said,"What the heck are you trying to do, do you want to kill me!!" 

"Well only 3 could pass so the only way to choose who passes is by fighting"

Killua then went and also got a weapon,"I hate to admit it but seems like that's the only way out of this hell."

Kurapika seemed deep in thought, while gon said,"Wait I have an idea but first let's all choose the long path."

"Gon we don't have enough time if we choose the long path we will all fail." Kurapika commented.

I was silent the whole time then I understood gon's idea I mean it was the only way, I grabbed a weapon and looked at gon waiting for the signal. Gon explained for the guys the plan and they all looked happy considering our options we choose the long path then we started breaking the wall with the weopens which was taking forever I could swear that if Uvo was there he would have already broke it by one punch.
"Hey guys drop your weopens for a sec."

"Lexi, I would also love a break but we don't have the tome for that," said the old man.

"Mostly because of you," muttered tonpa.

"WHAT WAS THAT???" Yelled the old man.

I sighed but then I saw that they did drop their weopens so I started punching the wall, it took 5 punches and it cracked 2 more and boom! It broke everyone was shocked, we then saw a slide we used it and got out finally right on time.

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