Fourth phase (part 2)

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(Hey everyone just a quick warning ⚠️ this chapter will include violence, and blood so if you don't like such stuff DON'T READ! on the other hand if you don't mind HAVE FUN!!!)

Lexi P.O.V
We have arrived at the island where we will be spending a whole week to steal our opponent's badges I don't think it's that hard, just finding them might be the annoying part...Me and the boys separated
I hope they make it, it has been fun hanging out with them.

Anyways back to reality where can I find the grey ghost I have been searching for him since an hour, seems like he knows how to use nen that could be challenging, I started using my En to scan the whole island I can feel hisoka's creepy aura and illumi's dark aura, after a bit I was able to spot him, I decided to spy on him first he sat on the ground and waited for something maybe he noticed me but I am using my Zetsu to hide my presence so maybe he is waiting for someone else. After what seemed like forever I decided to make my first move little did I know something big was awaiting me. I jumped down the tree to find him still sitting he didn't even make a move he then looked at me,"Hey there would you be so kind and give me your badge it happens that you are my opponent? "I asked politely but oh I regret my actions the moment I said that I was surrounded by an army of terrifying creatures each one looks uglier than the other,

"Don't play dumb on me little girl you are no ordinary one and following me like that you sure deserve a horrible death"

Eh wth how did he know all of that I need to get rid of him he might form problems in the future. I headed straight to remove his heart from it's place quickest technique but I was soon met with a foot kicking me in my stomach I barely dodged then I started to kill the beasts one by one I used my weopens and quickened my pace the problem is that I got 2 deep wounds the stupid beasts have claws as sharp as knives  I gave up on not using my nen this is really pissing me off. I used my nen ability 'ilusions' I made copies of me 10 copies to be exact we finally finished getting rid of the beasts I started attacking the guy who was surprisingly fast then he somehow ripped my leg from it's place although the pain was unbearable but that didn't stop me I kicked him with my other leg he fell to the ground coughing blood then he stood up again and said,"I have had enough playing with you" he pointed his knife to my throat ,"since I wasted my energy on you might as well take your badge" he said in his deep dark voice he found it and took it then he stabbed me with the knife enough to kill me, and started leaving that's when the real unharmed me cut his head off and his dead body fell to the floor man my illusions are really useful I thought, I took my badge and his and got out of the crime scene.


Killua P.O.V
I have been walking for hours and I'm bored I am sure everyone is doing better than me rn also there are some people following me I'm starting to lose my patience you know.

Gon P.O.V
My target is Hisoka I'm not sure how to feel excited or nervous I have been training on stealing his badge using my fishing rod I tried on apples, fishes, and now seagulls it's hard but I'm determined. I WILL PASS THIS PHASE NO MATTER WHAT!

Leoreo P.O.V
That stupid TONPA had tricked me and I CAN'T BELIEVE I FELL FOR IT! but thank god kurapika showed up, we teamed up and we are searching for my opponent we heard that she is a women who uses drugs, poison, and chemicals so we should be careful I hope the kids are doing well I can't handle losing another loved one.

No one's P.O.V

One week later
It has been a week since the participants started the fourth phase each one of them had to steal his opponent's badge and live on this island, some finished on the first day others are still struggling to pass but unfortunately the phase has ended and everyone has only an hour to come to the boat. The only ones who showed up were Hisoka, Illumi, Hanzo, Pokkle, Bodoro, Killua, and Lexi. Meanwhile Gon, Kurapika, and Leoreo were facing a life and death situation.

After 55 min
Killua and Lexi were starting to panic allot of questions and scenarios going through their minds but before they knew it their friends showed up looking beaten up but they didn't care right now about that most importantly they made it.

"Alright, everyone The fourth phase is over. May all the 10 participants hand me their badges one by one and step on the boat!" The bubbly lady announced.

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