His puppet

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"Honey everything is going to be alright we talked about this before remember?"

"Yes, but I can't help but be scared mommy I really don't want you to go please don't leave me here alone with her!"

"Hun, elina is a very nice women I promise you she won't hurt you"


"I promise darling."

Illumi pov:

"She should be awake by now don't you think illumi?" Hisoka asked me for the hundredth time today.

"I told you she might take some time."

"Well yes you did tell me that but I feel like she has taken allot of time."

"If you're so worried why would you ask me to do that in the first place huh?"

"It's not that I'm worried it's just that usually  you stick your little toy in someones head then you order them around and that's that but much to my dismay, it isn't the same with lexi care to explain why?"

"Probably because she is half human half a neko, I've never tried my nen on such creatures plus you do realize that it's lexi we're talking about the girl who was trained by the phantom troupe itself for years and-"

I immediately froze when I saw lexi moving looks like she woke up I have no idea why I signed up for this...

"Wake up" I ordered.

Hisoka was trying to calm himself down but he soon relaxed after he saw how lexi woke up and stood infront of us, but she looked slightly different her eyes turned dark very very dark and she had no emotions.

"~Looks like its finally working~"

"I believe so"

"~Great now let's get our plan started~"

Timeskip to the morning;)
Third person pov:

Lexi had contacted chrollo lucilfer stating that she'd like to meet him somewhere today and her boss accepted the invitation,
Illumi has taken his leave, while hisoka was waiting for his big fight.

Lexi and chrollo met at a place near heaven's arena it was a small cafe and fortunately for hisoka chrollo came alone that was a rare sight usually his boss would be with two other members at all times but now he was completely exposed...

did he trust lexi that much?
He thought.

Chrollo POV:

It has been a very long time since I last saw the little spider but I can easily tell that she was acting differently she was frozen not talking not doing anything she didn't even touch the drink infront of her I've lived with lexi for a long time and I can tell when things are off...like now

I decided to figure it out myself, we paid and left the place walking down the empty street... here goes nothing.

I activated my nen and my hunter's bandit book appeared in my hand, I grabbed my knife and stabbed her right in her stomach she fell head first...sorry lexi but this is for your own sake,
I looked over my book and realized that someone's nen was being used on her I closed my book before it can steal her nen and then I opened it again I used it to teleport us to my hotel room and I also healed her I then used one of the newly stolen abilities that I have it is called the nen square a very effective nen ability you just need to touch the person and you will know some things about the nen he is using in the moment so that's what I did and what I saw was shocking she had a manipulater's pin in her head I sharpened my nails and took it out it looked familiar but i could not remember where I saw it, I threw it away and healed her again but she was still unconscious.

Half an hour later

Lexi pov:

I woke up with a very annoying headache I sat up and realized that I wasn't in my room I kept my guard up but then out of the other room a familiar someone came out.


"Good morning sleeping beauty how was your sleep darling"

"It was great, but it's very weird to sleep in a room then wake in another, you could've told me first"

He frowned and said,
" what do you remember doing last, lexi??"

"Well I remember going to talk to hisoka about something but then I'm not really sure what happened and now here I am."

"Hmmm, I see hisoka you said right?"


"I'll make sure to talk to him, anyways get up and wash yourself lunch is ready."

"What are we having?!" I asked him with a huge grin.

"Well, I thought since you're my guest of honour I'd make lasagne" he teased.

"Wait... Really I'll be there in a sec." I said while running to the bathroom.

Chrollo chuckled and said,
"Careful I already healed you enough today."

To be continued...

An/: hello my dear readers I hope that you are all fine and in perfect health I've wrote this chapter in a hurry so I  hope it turns out well anyways my exams are coming up so I might be a bit late on updating
School really sucks but we can't fo anything about it, thanks for all the support and motivation and see y'all in the next chapters byeeeeee

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