Left Out *

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Michael & Calum —> bottom
Luke & Ashton —> top
Mikey's first time getting a punishment alone, but it may have triggered some old feelings in him

❗️fluff & smut❗️

For smut, skip to the hearts💚💚💚
For smut (part2), skip to the darts 🎯🎯🎯


Michael has been feeling like shit all day. It was a ridiculously bad day for him, maybe even the worst. He finally came home from a long day of work, after his boss had dumped extra work on him the last minute. It was already 10.20pm and he was mentally exhausted. It definitely wasn't the worst day ever, and he didn't feel like sleeping. He just needed a good movie to relax. When he walked into the house, he dropped his bag next to the door, walking into the living room where he saw Calum in pajamas watching a movie. He had already loosen his tie and removed his belt. "Hey Mikey!" Calum cheered, noticing the boy's presence in the room. "Hey Cal." Michael said half heartedly, even if the brown haird boy did make his day 10 times better already. He loved all the boys to death but he really couldn't be bothered right now, too tired. "Can I switch a movie?" He asked, pulling the socks off his feet and managing to throw it successfully into the basket.

"I'm only half way through Mike, you didn't miss much, we can watch together from here!" Calum suggested, he really didn't feel like changing the movie now. Michael whines quietly to himself. He knows he's being childish but he was just so tired. "Cal please?" He asked frustratedly, sighing loudly and tears threatening him. Don't be an asshole, don't be a fucking asshole, was the thought that ran through his mind.

"Michael what's the big deal? We can jus-" Michael cut him off, finally letting out all the pent up frustration from the day, "I JUST WANNA WATCH MY MOVIE." He shouted, regretting it immediately, shit I was an asshole. He could see the shock on Calum's face, he wasn't hurt honestly, just really taken aback because Michael never shouts. He was never one to get frustrated easily. Michael rubbed his eyes as he starts to tear, "shit, Callie, I'm sorry, I just-"

"Michael," Luke asked, walking out of his room, "what the hell was that?" He looked at the boy who immediately cowered his head, hiding his teary eyes.


"My room. Now." Luke said sternly, watching the boy walk past him into his room. They always used Luke's room for punishments when it was called for. It rarely was since Calum and Michael behaved themselves. Michael did the usual, stripping himself of his clothes and sitting properly on the bed as Luke and Ashton taught them. He was on the brim of tears, if he was being honest, but he blinked them back, wiping away the drop that got loose so they didn't have to see them.

Ashton walked into the room after hearing what had happened from Luke, opening the drawer and pulling out a bandana. He nearly picked up the bandana next to it, realising that this was the first time Michael was going to get punished by himself. The two submissive boys were always punished together. He got a brilliant idea for a new punishment.

"Tell me what you did Mikey."

"I-I shouted at Callie." He said in disappointment at himself, sniffling. Ashton ruffed a hand through his hair, before slipping a cock ring onto Michael's dick, hearing the younger boy whimper silently, "On my lap kitten." Michael obeyed, laying across Ashton's thighs and putting his full ass on display for him. "Count for me kitty, only fifteen." Slap.

"O-one, thank y-you-u daddy-y" Michael cries, trying to make it seem like he wasn't.

After fifteen spanks, Michael felt even more tired, and now his ass felt hot to the touch. All he wanted to do was cry his little heart out and tell them about his shitty day and be cuddled by his lovers to sleep like a little kitten baby boy, but he knew he could do that after the punishment, so he just shut up. He knew that he could stop his dominants whenever he was too overwhelmed, but being the people pleaser he was, he just obeyed. Never has he once safe-worded out of a punishment. Ashton smiled softly at him, picking him up and rubbing gently over his red bum. "Good job kitten, but we're not done yet. Lean against the headboard baby boy." He said calmly, picking up the previously discarded bandana. Michael obeyed, sighing softly as he moved. The older tied his hands behind the boy's back, leaning in to kiss him so he would remember that he loved Michael. "We love you kitten. Be a good boy and stay here, I'm gonna get Callie and Lu." Ashton said before exiting the room, leaving Michael alone with his thoughts.

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