Meet The Cliffords*

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"Don't be nervous! They're just my parents, they're chill! Plus, we've been dating for 9 months!" Michael tried convincing Ashton to calm the fuck down, especially still they were already parked outside of the younger's parent's house, just sitting in the car. "But I love you so much bubsie, I'd be heartbroken if they don't like me." The red head said with a pout, hand in Michael's.

Michael leaned forward, placing a soft kiss to Ashton's lips. "They'll love you. And nothing is going to be stopping me from loving you, Ashy." He said in an almost whisper. Ashton nodded, getting out of the car, rushing to Michael's side before he could open the door himself. He took the blonde's hand in both of his, kissed his knuckles lovingly. "Thanks for doing this Ashy." Mikey said with a shy smile on his face, the smile only Ashton can cause him to make. "Anything for my bub." They shared a kiss in the dimly lit street.

"He's cute Michael!" The boy's mom, Karen, shouted out from the door, making the couple break apart, Mikey blushing as he cuddled close to Ashton's arm. "Come on in boys! Mama made pasta!" She said enthusiastically, disappearing back into the white painted house, leaving the door ajar. Ashton had a really good feeling about meeting them now, Karen was already so welcoming, he was excited to say the least. To finally meet the people who raised the boy he loved.

They stepped into the house, being immediately greeted with two wide smiles. "Mom, dad!" Michael squealed, engulfing both his parents in a bear hug. "Hi Michael! Ashton come here!" Karen said, pulling away from her small family, hugging her son's boyfriend. She backed up, holding him by the shoulders, "oh my gosh, you're even prettier up close!" Ashton laughed, "Thank you Karen! Could say the same to you as well!" He was really liking his mom already.

Ashton hugged Daryl as well, "I like you already, Michael looks very happy!" Daryl whispered to Ash as they were walking into the dining room. "For him not to be happy would be a crime. And I love him very much." Michael's father chuckled, "I can clearly tell!", he said as he entered the kitchen, going to his seat next to his wife. The table had a cloth covering it, everything was placed neatly and it looked rather fancy. "This looks amazing Karen!" Ashton compliment, sitting next to Michael.

Everyone finished their food, now laughing at a joke Ashton made. "Oh my gosh!", Ashton turned to Michael, remembering something, "Mikey, we brought dessert but forgot it in the car! I'll go get it, be back quick." He placed a peck on Michael's cheek, excusing himself from the table. Michael was left sitting in front of his parents, blushing profusely. Karen cooed, putting a meatball into her mouth.

"So what do y'all think?" He asked, as if he was asking for approval. His parents approval of things mattered to him, but that definitely would not stop him from getting something he is passionate about or loves with all his heart, like Ashton. "He makes you so happy, and looks happy while doing it. We like him a lot!" Daryl said, proud of his son for finding someone that will make him happy, and that will care for him. Karen nodded, swallowing the food in her mouth.

"Thank god, he was so anxious to meet you guys. He's been wanting to meet y'all for the longest time! He dressed up fancy to come cause he didn't want to mess anything up with y'all." Obviously, messing up was exactly the opposite of what Ashton did. The older couple simply adored him, their conversations flowed so smoothly. They heard the door open again, Ashton walking in with big smiles, holding a box in his arms, "I've got cake!"

He placed the box down on the table, Karen opened it and there was chocolate cake! Ashton was very confident now, contrast to earlier in the car, sneakily place his hand on Michael's thigh, soothing softly as he picked up his fork to take a bite of the dessert. The small touch had shivered running through the blonde boy's body, it felt like his hair was standing on its ends. Michael nearly yelped when Ashton squeezed his thigh lightly.

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