First Kiss

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"Ashton!" Michael laughs, trying to snatch back his beanie that Ashton had so-kindly took off his head. Ashton was 6'1 while Michael was 5'4, so he didn't really stand a chance. Ashton smiles at his cuteness, and when he gives up and pouts at him, "Not fair, you're tall!"

The brunette chuckles, putting it back on his head, "Just try'na help you stretch since you wanted to get taller!"

"Well not like this!" The two friends laugh, walking to Michael's home for their sleep over they had planned. Their school ended early today because it was the last day of the school term, and teachers needed time to sort things out.

"Oh my god, Ashton, wanna know about a dream I had?" Mikey asks as they walk up towards his room. "Shoot."

"Okay! So, I had a dream where I had a boyfriend," his cheeks heated up as he said it, "and I was at his house, which was all cosy and that cute stuff. Anyways, then we were cuddling in bed and he was kissing me on my face, but not on my lips. Literally just as he was about to kiss my lips, my rude ass alarm went off!" He pouts, causing Ashton to chuckle and ruff his pink hair. He did leave out one part though, that Ashton was the 'boyfriend' in the story.

"Aww Michael's falling in loooove! Your dream probably means something you want in real life soo... who's lil' Mikey crushing on?" Ashton smiles with white teeth shining, making his friend slap his arm and blush all over. "I can't! I-I physically cannot bring myself to tell you who it is, Ash."

Ashton pouts, acting upset but actually is a little that Michael likes someone else. "Well, can you at least tell me about him?"

"He's tall, he's cute, he's really hot. And beautiful and perfect. And I just want him to kiss me."

The dirty blonde got a pang of jealousy, after listening to Michael describe his crush that way. He didn't really feel like talking anymore, giving an excuse that he was tired and just went to bed.

"I just want to kiss him so bad, Ashton!" Mikey whines, taking a small glance at his lips, but not long enough for Ash to catch his gaze. "What 'bout you? Anyone Ashy likes?" He asks, jumping onto his bed and putting his head in his hands.

"Yeah, I like a boy..."

Michael's mouth had ever opened wider, "you're gay??" He wanted to hide his smile, which he failed in a little but tried to conceal it after. Ashton nods, blushing a little because his crush was so excited. "When! When did you... ya'know." Ashton rubs the back of his neck, pondering, "I dunno, two years?"

Michael frowns a little. He came out to Ashton as pan about 3 years ago. Was Ashton not comfortable telling him? Did Ashton have another person he was eyeing? He knows he shouldn't think like that because he doesn't own Ash, and he has his own rights to tell him whenever he's comfortable, but... he wants him.

"Oh, um- if you don't mind me, er, asking, why didn't you tell me since I already, y'know, came out to you." He asks, suddenly feeling sensitive and just wants to cuddle. The dirty blonde shrugs, unable to think of an answer besides, 'I love you'. He can tell the subtle sadness on Mikey's face, internally cooing at how cute he was.

"Why don't we do homework then cuddle?" He suggests, seeing the red rise to Michael's cheeks.



So they decided to eat dinner before cuddling. It was still a little early, but they knew they'd be too lazy to get their asses off the bed after they hit it. "Could you imagine if the sky was green? How weird would that be?" Michael asks, head comfortably against the pillow. They were asking each other stupid questions while staring at the ceiling, and the other had to give an equally stupid answer.

"Well, then something would have to be blue, so we'd have blue grass and trees. And, I guess your eyes would be blue huh?" Ashton replies, proud of himself for that answer. "Okay my turn! What do you think it'll be like to kiss a boy?" He took a chance, it took a lot of questions to get through before he actually asked that. Michael's brain just pictured the image of him and Ashton kissing, blushing really fucking hard. "Um, I don't know," he rubs his sweater on his forearm, "I think it'd be really nice, I dreamt of my crush just coming up to me and telling me to shut up and just kiss me. But I guess it'll never happen since he doesn't know."

Ashton bites his lip, "please tell me your crush Mikeyyy! Please? Is it Luke? Or Calum? Oh my god is it Louis?"

"Nope no no. As much as they're cute, they're not as cute as my boy. You'll hate me if I tell you!"

"Fuck no I won't. Are you scared that we'll end up liking the same person? I'm pretty fucking sure that it's different people, Mike."

Michael observes him, he really really reaaaaally wants to tell him right now but he can't.

"What if I told you mine? Can we say it at the same time?" It takes a good minute for his best friend to ponder, before hesitantly nodding in agreement. "fine, but promise not to hate me."  Ashton wraps his pinky finger around Mikey's. Michael sucks in a breath and imagined how horribly wrong this could go in half a second, wanting to cry at the thought of Ashton hating him.

"Okay... 3, 2, 1- you."


They say in unison. Michael smacks his mouth closed with his hands, tearing up slightly, but he could control himself. "W-what?" He whimperd, panicking when Ashton moved towards him. Without thinking, Ashton leaps onto Michael, grabbing his face and putting their lips together like he'd longed to for years. Michael was obviously shocked at first, but immediately kissed back, just as desperate and hungry for Ashton as Ash was for him. The blonde's legs wrapped around Ashton's waist, arms thrown around his neck. Ashton grabbed his cheek gently, other arm wrapping behind Mikey's back.

Eventually, they do pull apart for air, their foreheads pressed against each other's. "M'sorry, I didn't as-." Ashton mumbles, but gets cut off half way by Michael pressing his lips against his again. A tear runs down his cheek, Ash didn't see it cause their eyes were closed. Mikey stopped moving his lips, letting Ashton bite on his bottom lip and tugging on it. "Please don't ever stop kissing me." He mumbled. Ash heard the shakiness in his voice, his hand wiping Michael's soft cheek and he felt his tears. "I wouldn't dare." He smiled against his lips, blushing really hard. He finally got to kiss Michael Clifford, his big fat crush. The most beautiful, cutest boy existing in the universe, stands on the same ground and him, and breaths the same air as him. And now has kissed him. He could fucking melt into a puddle right now. He heard a small whimper from the boy, and gently caressed his sides with his thumb to easy his mind.

"Michael?" Ashton asks, his lips continuing to move against the boy's lips.

"Yea? Mm-"

"Let me take you out on a date. Please?" He whispers, pressing his forehead gently against the latter's

Michael blushed hard, internally screaming in excitement, "yes, please." He chuckles, pulling Ashton in for another kiss.

"T-thank you for my first kiss Ash, that was..." Mikey blanks out, just smiling widely, relaxing his excited heartbeat slightly.

"Likewise, baby."

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