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The whole of Forks stilled at the news. Micah Swan, the only son of Charlie Swan, brother to Bella Swan, was dead. Killed by his own sister. Everyone mourned the teens death, giving there sympathy's even though they where not wanted.

Charlie had turned to drinking. It was the only way he could help himself forget that day. Because of his knew habits, he had been let go of his position as chief of police and in turn, the man had locked himself away in his room. Refusing to come out for anyone.

The Cullens had returned to Forks and had gone into hiding. They had locked themselves away in the house, refusing to leave. Not even to get something to drink. They each locked themselves away and made no attempt at talking to one another.

The Pack, mostly Sam, Jacob and Seth had become more reckless. In their eyes it was the Cullens fault for not protecting their Mate. I'm their eyes it was the Cullens fault Micah was dead. No longer did they care for the treaty, they where just waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Bella had been locked away for the murder of her brother. She still claimed that she was doing a good deed, that it was something that was supposed to happen. No one listened to her. She was thrown into one of the darkest cells and the key was dropped down the drain.

Renée and Phil mourned like everyone else. They had shut themselves away in their new home in Florida. They kept his room locked at all times and tried there absolute best to avoid people. They couldn't stand anyone else saying how sorry they where.

Angela, Jessica, Leah, Arthur and Erik however, where sat inside the Weber house hold. Well the males where, the girls, par Leah, where pacing around the small living room.

Angela looked at her Mate for the fifth time that hour, "Are you sure?" She asked. She was sure she sounded like a broken record, but Erik said he heard a shift. And that could only mean one thing.

Erik smiled at his Mate, tapping his lap. With her head ducked, Angela scampered over and climbed on his lap, tucking her head under his chin, "I'm sure, Principessa."

Jessica looked up towards the ceiling, her heart hammered with guilt. Shaking her head sadly, she looked over at the loved up couple, "Explain it again?" She asked meekly, moving to sit next to Leah.

"That night when I entered his room, when I looked into his eyes I saw something. Something I have only seen once in my three hundred years. Even though he was dead, his eyes where glowing Blue. He is a Dalrago."

Arthur bit his lip in confusion, his young mind unable to keep up with all the information he'd been given over the past three weeks. "And what is that again?" He asked.

Erik smiled over at the young boy, "A Dalrago is an ancient being." He explained, "They are said to be descendants of the Goddess of Earth. Gaea. It is said that when her reign of power was over, she would give her powers over to the most deserving soul, and when they died it would go onto the next, effectively making them a God.

Now no mortal blade can kill a God, even if one's Godly's powers have yet to bloom. Only a weapon made from the heavens can kill them. And I saw in his eyes, what I saw three hundred years ago."

Angela bit her lip, looking up at her Mate with her big doe like eyes wide and full of unshed tears. "And what did you see?" She asked.

Erik opened his mouth to reply when a loud, strangled gasp echoed throughout the house. Looking up towards the ceiling, his lips twitched up into a smile.


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