Chapter Eleven

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With his mahogany orbs wide with shock, Micah Swan let out a low string of curses

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With his mahogany orbs wide with shock, Micah Swan let out a low string of curses. This whole situation was sending a harsh jab of 'déjà vu' through the teens system. Huffing out a small sigh, he threaded his fingers through his unruly locks as he tugged then out of his face.

"Can.." he sighed, waving his hand towards his father who was still passed out on the ground. "Can one of you help me put him somewhere comfortable? Please?" Micah looked up from the ground and gave the kings a pleading gaze.

Marcus stepped forward without a word. His long raven locks where thrown over his shoulder as he bent down. One arm slipped under Charlie's legs while the other went behind his head. With zero effort, the ancient vampire lifted the man with ease.

A small smile twitched on his usually drawn face as Charlie let out a small noise before pulling himself closer. His head moved into the crease of Marcus's neck while his hands clenched around his black as night robes.

"Where would you like him?" He asked, his voice soft and gravely, almost sounding like he hardly ever spoke and this was the first time he was using his vocal cords.

Micah thought for a moment before his orbs drifted towards the white painted ceiling. "His bedroom, please." He said quietly. From the state of the house when he first walked in yesterday, it was clear that the man spent the majority of his time on the sofa.

Marcus nodded towards the stairs, silently telling Micah to lead the way. It wouldn't take him long to figure out which room was Charlie's, but he didn't want to risk going into the wrong one. Privacy was an important thing for him.

With every step Micah took, the stairs creaked. His hand was sliding up the banister as he walked and before they knew it, the teen was holding the door open to his fathers bedroom.

The curtains where drawn, leaving the room relatively dark. The bed was made and looked like it hadn't been slept in for a while. A chilly breeze drifted in through the open window, causing the curtains to rattle ever so quietly.

"Can you put him in the bed, please?" Micah asked as he moved to the open window. Moving the curtains out of the way, he used as much strength as he could muster to push the stiff window back into place before he twisted the lock.

After moving away, he made sure so sunlight bled into the room, leaving it as dark as the midnight sky. Turning around, he saw Marcus pulling the bed quilt up to Charlie's chin. His icy cold knuckle ran down the man's cheek before he quickly pulled away.

Smiling sadly, a small pit pooled in the bottom of the teens stomach. Watching that tiny display of affection made him remember his times with his Mates. The hand holding, cheek kissing, hair stroking and the tender hugs.

Shaking his head, Micah walked out of the bedroom. In that moment, he found that he wanted nothing more than to be held by them once more. Even if it was for the last time because while yes, they had appeared outside his living room window. He doubted they wanted anything to do with him. They probably thought him dying was his way of getting back at them for leaving.

With a tired sigh, the teen walked down the stairs just as his dads bedroom door shut with a soft click. Turning into the living room, he retook his seat facing the kings. It wasn't long until Marcus was back in his seat.

Micah rested his hands upon his knees, his fingers tightly gripping his blue denim jeans out of nervousness. His mouth became dry and sweat trickled down his back as he stared down the three people who decided on whether he lived or died. Only this time, he wasn't sure he'd come back.

As if he read his thoughts, Aro let out a chortle, "We're not here to kill you my boy," he said reassuringly, "We came here for one reason and one reason only. We are going to kill your sister." Aro tilted his head as he watched the boys expression.

Micah swallowed thickly. It was one thing hearing it from Erik. But it was a completely different thing hearing it from the Kings themselves. "Okay," he whispered unconvincingly.

Caius raised a doubtful brow, "You don't seem to happy with our choice." He said with certainty, "Do you wish for your killer to remain alive? Do you wish for us to leave her alone?"

Since Charlie was their mate, that automatically made him a king. And if he was a king, that meant that Micah was a prince. And if they wanted Charlie to accept them as their Mate, then they had to make sure they didn't do anything to upset Micah. Even they could see how protective the man was of his son.

"It's not that," Micah sighed while he lowered his head towards the cream carpet, "It's just...I guess it's because despite everything she's ever done to me, she's still my sister. Ya know? A small part of me, admittedly it's a really small part, will always love her. But, she's done to much for me to defend her. She killed me. Her brother. And for what? Out of a jealous rage for something out of my control?"

Micah was cut off mid rant by Aro patting his knee sympathetically, deliberately making sure not to touch his skin. "I understand," he said softly. And he did. His younger sister had killed their elder sister out of a jealous rage purely because she was Mated to Alexis. A Greek teen who had been turned unwillingly just after his eighteenth birthday.

The poor boy, after finding out about his Mates demise, walked into a wolfs den and started a fight he couldn't win. He was torn apart in seconds. It had taken the Volturi two days to find him since he had used his ability to hide his scent. All that was left was a pile of ashes with his Volturi Crest placed on top.

The teen let out a small sigh. His head lowered into his hands where he pushed his palms into his closed eyes. "How are you going to tell Dad?" He asked quietly. "Because despite everything, she's still his daughter. And don't say that your not going to tell him because he deserves to know."

Suddenly a deep voice spoke out from behind the teen, causing the brunette to spin around in his seat. "Deserves to know, what?" Charlie asked, his hand reaching out to pull his son behind him as he glared in warning towards the vampires.

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