chapter 2- the flower shop

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Almost one week had passed, since the last time that I saw his face.

It was very strange, thinking about someone that I knew nothing about.

I looked at the gardening book that I had left on a shelf in the corner of my living room.

I had nothing better to do, than to finally open it and read it.

I hadn't done so earlier because of all the stress my university gave me. I had missing assignments and rehearsal, but chose not to go since I had an upset stomach.

I flipped through the pages of the book, looking through all the pretty flowers and trees that were listed in it.

Suddenly, my eyes fell on a purple flower. Toad lily was written on top of it.

There was a paragraph right under it, that gave some information about the flower. Along that information was also written the fact that this flower enjoyed shade, something perfect for the English weather.

I decided that out of all the plants I had come across in the book, the toad lily stood out the most to me.

I grabbed my keys, wore my dark green coat and headed outside.

The first thing I noticed, was my neighbor. She was once again outside, taking care of her garden.

  Her husband had died a few months ago, near the time I moved in, so I always saw her alone.

  It seemed like her way of coping, was gardening.

  Who knew. Maybe it would become mine as well, and I would have something to talk to her about as I kept her company.

  I continued walking down the street, ignoring all the noise that the passing cars made.

  I remembered seeing a flower shop a while ago on my way to university. But never actually entered it.

  I never had a reason to, not until now.

  My mind wandered off, as I reminsced the young man's face.

  I wondered what his age could be. Maybe he was my age, but he didn't look like 21, no. Perhaps a little older.

  Either way, it didn't matter.

  I wasn't seeing him again anyways, unless we accidentaly bumped into each other in the bookstore again.

  A few minutes had gone by, when I noticed the flower shop at the end of the street.

  Once I was there, I opened the door and was instantly greeted by the smell of flowers.

  There was an old man, watering the plants on the table next to the door.

  "Hello dear, what can I do for you today?" he asked, slowly coming towards me.

"Uhm, do you have toad lily seeds by any chance?" I asked the man.

  The moment he heard the name of the flower, his face lit up with excitement.

"I sure do! Just go over to the counter, and ask the cashier for the seed pack. He will find it for you right away!" he smiled. I smiled back at him, and went over to the counter.

  There was a tall man wearing a beanie, with his back turned away from the front, sorting out seed packets from what I could tell.

  "Excuse me, do you have toad lily seeds?".

  The man turned around and faced me.

  I felt my heart drop to my stomach as soon as I realised, it was the man from the bookstore.

  He wasn't wearing his glasses this time, so it took me a second to realize it was actually him.

There was a golden little tag, pinned on his shirt. "Wilbur" was written on it.

His name was Wilbur.

I finally knew something about him. One little detail that changed everything.

"Hey, you are that girl! The one from the book store right?" he exclaimed.

"It is indeed me" I chuckled.

  A warm feeling of comfort took over my body as I watched a smile form on his face.

  That contagious smile I hadn't stopped thinking about this whole week.

  The one that made me smile too.

"That is amazing! I'm glad that book was useful to you" he said, turning around to look for the seeds.

For some reason, I was extremely thrilled over the fact that he remember me and the book.

  Soon enough, Wilbur found a toad lily seed packet and handed it over to me.

  "Is this what you are looking for?".

  "Yes it is"  I answered as I saw a picture of a flower on it. The same picture as the one in the book that had caught my attention.

He then scanned the packet on his machine and put it in a little paper bag for me.

  "There you go! Don't hesitate to come back if you need any help figuring this out" he laughed, giving me the bag.

  There was nothing left to do, but go home.

  I thanked him, the old man, and left.

  As much as I wanted to stay longer and talk to him, I couldn't.

  Although he did say that I could go back if I needed any help, but I didn't want to give him the impression that I was obsessed with him.

  Was I really obsessing over him?

  There was no real answer to that, as we were still strangers to each other.

  I didn't want us to be though.

There was a certain warm, comforting feeling that I got not only the first, but also the second time I saw him.

  A feeling that I had never felt before in my 21 years of living.

  A feeling that I wanted to feel again.

  But the only way to feel it, would be by seeing him, and that was something I didn't want to force.

So for now, I had to be patient, and just pray to the universe that it would allow me to see him again.

  Maybe even befriend him, and get him closer to me.

  That was all I wanted him to be.

  A friend, nothing else.

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