chapter 12- caring

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  Beginning of December, first snow of the year.

  Walking down the slippery sidewalk to get to the flower shop, I was fascinated by the snowflakes.

  Some of them would land on my scarf or my gloves, making it easier for me to distinguish.

  It was so mesmerizing how all snowflakes were differant from each other.

  It kind of resembled real life, showing how every individual differs from one another.

  After a while of walking in the cold, I was finally at the flower shop.

  I had promised Wilbur I would be helping him and his dad with some of the plants.

  Not even a minute after entering, his dad greeted me with a big smile.

  "Where's Wilbur?" I asked, as I hung my jacket on the wooden hanger behind the door.

  "I'm not sure if he is coming. He said he wasn't feeling that well" his dad explained.

  "Oh, okay" I said.

  Wilbur's dad then proceeded to explain to me, how we would be rearranging the flower pots.

  I slowly picked two up to get them on the other counter, when suddenly the bell above the door rang.

  Wilbur walked in, dressed in layers of jackets and scarves.

  "Sorry, I'm a bit late I know" he said, walking very slowly and carefully towards me.

  "Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Just a bit dizzy and cold dear, thank you" he explained, looking around the shop.

  "You are doing a great job here from what I can see" he continued, pointing at the flowers.

"Oh well, I'm trying" I laughed.

Wilbur looked around a little bit longer, squinting his eyes to see better, which was something weird for him, considering he was already wearing his glasses.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked once again to make sure that he was.

"I just haven't been sleeping well lately and it has caused some eyesight problems alongside some random headaches" Wilbur explained.

Although he shrugged it off like it was nothing, to me it was concerning.

He kept talking and laughing with his dad, but I knew he needed rest, so I had to step in.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I whispered.

I was already worried enough about him, and didn't want to transfer any of my negativity to his father as well.

"Sure" Wilbur nodded.

We walked outside of the flower shop and stood under the awning.

"I know you said it was nothing, but you have to go home" I said.

He immediately turned his look the other way, avoiding eye contact.

  "I don't think so" he murmured.

  "But you do. You are not okay" I exclaimed.

  He kept looking the other way, not saying anything.

"Are you hiding something?" I asked, confused by his behavior.

"Listen, if I say I am okay, it means I am okay. You don't need to do this" he sighed, rolling his eyes at me.

Meant to be (a wilbur soot fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now