chapter 14- plans for the future

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  First day of Christmas vacation.

  I was so happy the time was finally here.

  Taking a break from going to university and doing all of the homework I was given felt great, relieving.

  I felt a slight vibration at the end of the couch, coming from my phone that was left there, screen facing down.

  I picked it up, curious to see what the notification was from.

  It was from him.

  "Are you free tonight?" his message read.

  "Yes" I typed, sending my answer and leaving my phone back in it's original place.

  I continued watching the crime documentary that was playing on the TV, as I took a sip of hot chocolate.

  Another notification came in.

  "I want to take you to a fancy dinner, if that's alright?" his new message read.

  I happily replied, telling him it was a great idea.

  Throwing clothes on my bedroom floor, I frantically looked for something to wear.

  It needed to be appropriate for the occasion, but nothing extra at the same time.

  I stumbled across a burgundy velvet dress.

  Unfortunatly, I had never wore it anywhere as I was too self-consiouss.

  But maybe today was the day I finally put this dress on.

  After a long time of debating on whether I should wear it or not, I decided I would.

  I put on the dress, matching it with a pair of black high heels.

  After curling my hair and putting on some natural make up, I was ready to go.

  Wilbur had sent me the adress of the restaurant we were going to.

  It was only a five minute walk from my house, so I didn't mind having to walk there alone.

  I was there exactly on time.

  Only two minutes had gone by, when I noticed a tall man -probably Wilbur- approaching me.

  As he got closer, I was able to confirm that it was indeed him.

  He was dressed in a three piece suit, that matched his body shape perfectly, making him look slightly taller than he already was.

  "Y- you look stunning" he stuttered, scanning me from head to toe.

  "Same applies to you" I chuckled.

  Wilbur walked in the restaurant, leading me straight to our reserved table.

  We ordered our food, and started chatting as the gentle piano bar music echoed behind us.

  "I just wanted to do this, to thank you. I shouldn't have acted like that, yet you still cared enough to come check up on me" Wilbur explained, with worrisome eyes.

  "Wilbur, you don't need to thank me. You have been great to me and have literally saved me" I answered him.

  I watched as his eyes smiled before him.

  "I saved you?" he asked, breaking eye contact.

  "You did, and I am forever thankful" I said.

  A small smirk formed on his face, showing some sort of pride in himself.

  "I think we should tour Europe before the US" Wilbur explained, taking a bite out of his food.

  "Yeah, I think that would be the best option. What do the others think about me coming along?" I asked, a bit worried about the answer I would be getting.

  "Are you kidding? Y/n they love you! Sometimes I feel like they are more excited than I am, which is impossible" he laughed.

  A warm feeling of joy ran through my body, as he said that.

  Even though his plans were merely for him and his bandmates, he seemed more than excited to have me with him.

  "You know I've been thinking..." he said, twirling the fork with his fingers nervously.

  "I think I'm going to start streaming again" he whispered.

  "That sounds like a great idea" I smiled at him, hoping that would make him less nervous.

  His face lit up with a bright smile.

  "There is this kid, Tommy. He is an incredible 17 year old streamer and old friend of mine from when I used to stream" he started explaining.

  "Him, my other friends Tubbo, George and Jack have all been talking and they think I should definitely give it a second chance" he continued.

  "They are all great and you should 100% meet them next time they come here" Wilbur said, before taking another bite.

  The warm feeling of happiness came back, running through my body like a rush of adrenaline.

  All these plans he had, I was in them.

  He showed me pictures of these people he was talking about.

  Tommy, with his curly blonde hair, seemed like a chaotic personality compared to his calm-looking friend Tubbo.

  Pictues of a yound bald man, who Wilbur referred to as Jack, standing next to shy, dark-haired George, who according to Wilbur, was colorblind.

  They all seemed like lovely people, and I was more than thrilled to meet them.

  "They all seem incredible" I exclaimed.

  "Not as incredible as you love" he smiled.

  I could feel my face turning red as the word came out of his mouth.

  His gentle voice made it even more difficult to not feel flattered after being called love.

  "I guess I'll have to meet them to find out if they really are" I laughed, trying to shrug off the fact that I was turning red.

  Wilbur, who although noticed, was kind enough not to mention anything about it.

  Walking down the street, I happily listened to Wilbur as he talked to me about his plans with Lovejoy and the tour.

  He walked me all the way to my house, making sure I was there safe and sound.

  I thanked him for the amazing night, and greeted him good bye as he left.

  I layed in bed, playing differant scenarios in my head over and over again.

  Scenarios of meeting his friends, touring with Lovejoy and many more exciting things.

  I was so blinded by the excitement of the future, that I didn't see what was coming next.

  Absolute worry, and chaos.




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