chapter 9- one day

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"Y/n, what is going on? Why'd you want to meet so quickly?" Wilbur asked as he stood outside the entrance of my house.

  "Wear this" I said, giving him a blindfold.

  "What do I need to wear this for?" he asked, visibly confused.

  "Just do it. Trust me" I answered, trying to hide my excited giggles.

  Wilbur did as I requested and then stood still.

  I grabbed his hand and guided him in my house slowly.

  I opened the door and felt a burst of adrenaline run through my body when I saw them standing there.

  Joe in one corner with his guitar.

  Ash with the bass in the other one.

  Mark with a small set of drums.

  We didn't have all the equipment needed yet, but this was better than nothing.

  "Okay, on the count of three you can take off the blindfold" I explained.

  Everyone in the room let out a silent laugh, so silent that Wilbur didn't hear.

  "One... two... three..." I said and so Wilbur took off the cloth from his eyes.

  Once he opened his eyes, his jaw dropped.

  "Surprise!" his friends yelled.

song recommendation:
Look after you- The Fray

  Wilbur instantly turned around and looked at me shocked.

  "Did you arrange this?" he mumbled.

  "I mean, I didn't do all of this alone, but it was indeed my doing" I laughed.

  Without any expressions on his face or any other words he opened his arms and gave me the biggest hug.

  It was nice and warm.

  It made me feel happy and, safe.

  Like I was home.

  I'd never felt so safe in someone's arms like I did in his.

  This was the first time in my life I'd felt this way.

  "Thank you... You have no idea how grateful I am" he whispered in my ear.

  His voice soft, almost like he was about to cry.

  "No need to thank me" I whispered back.

  "Let's get to work boys!" Wilbur laughed, as he wiped away a tear with his sleeve.

  I sat back and watched as they figured things out.

  After a while of tuning the guitar and the bass, Wilbur pulled out his phone and started reading some lyrics he had written.

  Soon enough, he started singing as his friends played the background music.

  It was incredible.

  He really was as talented as I believed he was.

  Giving me soft smiles in between lyrics, Wilbur seemed to be happier than ever.

  I felt so proud and happy knowing that I somehow helped cause this.

  Even though his friends helped a lot with the surprise and everything, Wilbur seemed to be extra surprised by me.

  His smile shined so bright as he exchanged looks and laughs with his bandmates.

  This was the definition of happiness.

  And he deserved to feel every single ounce of it.

  "This was good!" Ash exclaimed as the song was over.

  "What should we call this song?" Joe wondered.

  "One day" Wilbur smiled.

  "One day by Lovejoy. It's perfect" I smiled.

  Wilbur raised his eyebrows in awe, hearing me say the band name.

  "It really is" he murmured loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Everyone was laughing and taking sips from the drinks I had bought for them.

  It was the perfect atmosphaire.

  I took out my phone and started recording.

  "What are you doing?" Wilbur asked.

  "I'm filming the music video for the song" I smirked at him.

  "That's genius!" Wilbur laughed.

  He went over and shared my idea with the rest of the group, and by their smiles it seemed that they liked it a lot.

  They all had many ideas for the video, therefore we took them all and mashed them together to make one music video.

  I already had a clip of everyone in the room having fun, so we moved on to the next one.

  A clip of Wilbur looking at the road, just to suddenly see Ash with his guitar in an empty bus.

  It took a while for us to find one and make sure it would go by my street, but in the end it was worth it, because the clip was hilarious.

  After that, followed many scenes full of dancing, singing and laughing.

  We then continued with a clip of the whole band play fighting and eventually leaving Joe laying down in the middle of the sidewalk, alone.

  The passing people gave us strange looks and tried keeping a distance from us.

  We seemed crazy to the bystanders but were lucky enough to not have the police called on us.

  After filming a few more scenes, it was time to edit.

  Thanks to Wilbur's editing skills, the music video was ready really quickly.

  We all sat back and watched the finished product with smiles on our faces.

  All the band members made fun of each other's appearances in the video.

  And after many laughs and comments,

  we knew that this video was ready.

  So we went on to Youtube, and posted it.

  "And now we wait" I said.

  Author's note: this chapter is a bit smaller but I hope you still enjoy:)




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