chapter 13- jubilee line

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tw: suicide, depression.

Three weeks, since I last saw Wilbur.

I could feel my depression crawling back at me at a slow, yet inescapable pace.

No texts or calls from him.

It was as if he had completely dissapeared from the face of earth.

I was jealous of his bandmates.

According to Joe, he had been spending most of his time with them.

He also let me know that Wilbur would leave recordings and practice sessions earlier as he wouldn't be feeling well.

Joe explained to me that Wilbur had developed a very cold side to himself, and was now suffering from asthma as well.

It was very weird for me to hear, as the Wilbur I know -or at least used to know- didn't have a cold side.

Asthma was something even more shocking to hear, as Wilbur always told me he was fine, but was apparently hiding things.

I wanted to see him so bad, but was scared.

My chest physically felt empty, as if my heart was no longer there.

My heart that was a few weeks ago full of emotions, happy emotions;

now felt empty.

I knew I shouldn't force our friendship, but I wasn't going to wait for him to do something.

I grabbed my coat and headed to his house.

Wilbur's dad opened the door, greeting me with his typical smile and letting me know that Wilbur would be home soon.

I walked into his room and waited patiently for him to return.

As I was waiting, I noticed a notebook left opened on his nightstand.

I didn't want to be nosy, but I was running out of patience.

Differant words and sentences were scribbled on the page with a black pen.

"Your city gave me asthma" read one sentence.

"Your water gave me cancer" read the other.

"There's a reason, that London puts barriers on the tube line" was another sentence.

Among all the words and sentences, was written something with bold letters.

Jubilee line.

That was a London Underground line that ran between Stratford and Stanmore, so I was really confused as to why he had written that.

Suddenly I heard the door downstairs open, so I ran to the stairs.

I saw Wilbur walking in, steps heavy with his guitar case on his back.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, immediately spotting me at the top of the staircase.

"Y/n came here to visit you and make sure you are doing well" his mother answered for me, as she winked at me discreetly.

She definetly knew what was going on.

Wilbur hesitantly walked up the stairs, looking at me the whole time.

"We need to talk" I stuttered as I followed him into his room.

"I'm sorry" he interrupted me.

"I shouldn't have talked to you like that" he apologized, looking down at his feet.

"It's okay. I'm just worried about you" I sighed.

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