chapter 17- a thousand lives

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Week one of Wilbur being in the hospital.

I woke up with a very strong and terrible headache, but didn't want to let it get in the way.

I drank some water, took a few deep breaths and got ready to go to the hospital.

On my way out of the house, I noticed Beth's door open, and an ambulance outside.

I hadn't seen her in a while, which was odd and worrying as she would always be out taking care of her garden.

I decided to go by and check up on her, and see what was going on.

I walked into the house and started looking around.

I could hear murmurs all around the house, but was yet able to find anyone.

Suddenly, as I turned around, going into the kitchen, I stumbled across someone.

He looked very young and was dressed in a yellow vest.

I quickly realized he was a stretcher bearer.

"What is going on?" I asked, trying not to freak out.

"Miss Beth had a seizure, her caregiver called us" the man explained.

"Can I see her?" I panicked, worried that something might happen to her and I wouldn't see her again.

"Ma'am, you are going to have to wait outside" he sighed, rightfully so as he was stressed enough doing such a job.

I walked outside, and stood next to the ambulance, waiting for them to bring her.

A few minutes later, four men walked out, carrying Beth on a stretcher.

"Y/n, is that you?" Beth's shaky voice asked as she was being put in the ambulance.

"Yes, it is. Are you going to be alright?" I wondered, more worry taking over me.

"I don't know dear, but you need to listen to me" she said, reaching out for me.

She grabbed my hand, and squeezed it, with whatever power she had left in her.

"I lived an amazing, full life and learned many things, so let me give you some advice" she exclaimed, turning her head slightly.

"I know Wilbur and I know you" she paused for a second.

"He has told me countless things about you" she continued, dragging her words; emphasizing the word countless more than the others.

"And trust me when I tell you this; I know soulmates when I see them. You two are meant to be" she finished her sentence.

Sudden ringing went off in my ears as I heard that sentence.

We are meant to be.

Wilbur had told her many things about me.

I stayed on that thought for a few seconds.

Maybe we really were soulmates.

I watched as Beth was taken away, leaving me alone outside of her house.


  Walking into the hospital, I was greeted by the cold air from the air conditioners.

  The same lady as yesterday was looking at her computer once again, looking very annoyed.

  I walked past her and headed to Wilbur's room.

  Outside of room no. 24 were sitting two doctors, whispering to each other.

Meant to be (a wilbur soot fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now