chapter 5- coffee date

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  I woke up extremely tired.

  I rubbed my eyes with my fists, trying to make my eyesight less blurry.

  As I did so, I realized what day it was.


  But this wasn't just any random Saturday.

  Today was the day Wilbur and I would go grab some coffee together.

  My tiredness instantly went away as butterflies filled my stomach.

  Today my energy levels were a lot higher, compared to the past two months.

  I decided that since today I felt better, I would finish an assignment or two.

  I ended up finishing one and leaving the second one half-done.

  I picked up my violin for the first time in weeks.

  I knew that as much as I dreaded this moment- knowing it would be a disaster- I had to stop avoiding it.

  I kept putting off this one specific piece:
violin concerto by tchaikovsky.

It was a difficult piece, but in about two months from today, I would be performing it with my university's orchestra.

  I was also going to replace the soloist if something were to happen to him, so I had a little bit extra work than my classmates did.

  I practiced. A lot.

  So much that I could see marks of lines on my fingertips from pressing on the strings.

  I had my lunch and waited patiently until it was 5 p.m.

  Wilbur had left a note under my front door a few days ago, saying that he would come pick me up on Saturday, 5 p.m. sharp.

  It was almost time.

  I felt fine the entire day, but now that the time was coming, I started feeling nervous.

  I was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a brown cardigan.

  It was a very fall-appropriate outfit.

  As I scrolled through my phone, I heard the doorbell ring twice.

  I nervously opened the door.

  Wilbur stood tall in front of the door.

  He was also dressed in black jeans and a brown sweater.

  "Hey, we're matching!" he smiled.

  "And we didn't even plan it" I added.

We walked around London, as we talked about the basics such as, the weather.

He said he knew an amazing coffee shop that was never too crowded.

It was kinda funny how he knew nothing about me, but chose to take me to a quiet area.

It was as if he knew I liked that better.

We finally reached our destination, a small coffee shop with endless flower pots filled with a big variety of colorful plants.

A counter with differant kind of snacks, from muffins all the way to chicken sandwiches.

We sat next to the big window that had an excellent view of Big Ben.

Wilbur gave our orders to the barista as I looked around.

Soon enough he was back in his seat, bringing me my coffee and a blueberry muffin.

"Oh, I didn't order that" I said, pointing to the tiny muffin.

"I got it for you" he laughed.

Although not the biggest fan of muffins, I couldn't say no to this.

I took a bite of it and was surprised by how good it actually tasted.

Wilbur nodded with a smile on his face as he realized I liked it.

"So, tell me a few things about you. It could be anything!" he suggested.

I wasn't quite prepared to answer that, so I went with the classics.

"Well... I'm 21, I'm currently studying music in the Royal Academy of Music and I live alone" I explained.

Wilbur took a sip from his coffee.

"Interesting... I, on the other hand, am 24 and not in college anymore. I work in my father's flower shop and live with him and my mom... for now" he said.

"What did you study in college?" I asked, taking another sip.

"Editing and post production" he stopped.

"But that doesn't matter" he added.

"Why not?" I asked curious, hoping he wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

He then went on and explained how he used to be a streamer for a while, but stopped as his views got low and he could no longer afford living on his own.

He also said he played the guitar and was actually very passionate about it.

That is something I've always admired in people.

Knowing that someone is extremely passionate about music, says a lot about them.

He wanted to form a band with some of his friends, but they denied thinking it was a stupid idea.

I felt really bad for him. It was obvious that he was a passionate person, it's just that he wasn't given the right opportunities yet.

song recommendation:
the night we met- lord huron

As we finished our coffee, he suggested that we go to the London Eye.

I'd never been there before, so I agreed.

We got into a pod and stayed silent for a few seconds as we observed the city.

"Isn't it beautiful?" he wondered.

"It is" I replied.

"Thank you for this. I haven't really been going out lately, so this was perfect" I added.

Wilbur turned around to face me.

He was taller than me, so he had to turn his head downwards a bit, in order to look at me.

He starred directly into my eyes.

"Of course dear" he smiled, as he gently rubbed my shoulder.

Suddenly, our eye contact was broken, as the sound of rain surrounded us.

"I came prepared" Wilbur chuckled as he took a small umbrella out of his tote bag.

He walked me home, as half of his body walked outside the umbrella, making sure I wouldn't get wet.

We reached my house after a while of walking.

The left side of his clothes were darker from the water, leaving the other half dry.

I, on the other hand, had not even a single droplet of water on me.

"Thank you for this" I said, with my keys tangled in my fingers.

"No, thank you" Wilbur said.

He then reached into his pocket and handed me a folded piece of paper.

"See you later" he smiled, as he left.

Once I was in the house and changed into my pajamas, I opened the piece of paper.

There was a phone number on it, and right under that was written "If you ever want to talk, Wilbur:)" with, kind of sloppy letters.

I created the contact in my phone, and went back to sleep with a smile on my face.

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