chapter 8- the start of something new

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  The sound of birds chirping woke me up really early that morning.

  I tried reaching out for my phone, but then remembered that Wilbur had taken it into his room the previous night to charge it.

  I could hear footsteps from downstairs, so I decided maybe I could go and see if Wilbur was awake and making all the noise.

  Walking down the stairs, I realized that it wasn't him who was making all the noise, but his mother.

  "Good morning y/n" she smiled.

  "Good morning" I replied, as I took a seat.

  "How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?" she asked, turned the other way around making what seemed to smell like pancakes.

  "I slept really well and am feeling a lot better than yesterday, thank you" I answered.

  "You know when Wilbur brought you here yesterday I was very concerned, but then he told me more about you and I am actually happy you are here" his mom then explained.

  "What did he say?" I asked shocked that he had actually said things about me.

  "Well he firstly told me how you guys met. Then he went on and explained to me how you are one of the few people he feels comfortable around" she said.

  I stopped listening after that, as I got lost in my thoughts.

  There was something so heartwarming about knowing that he felt the same comfort as I did.

  Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted.

  "What are you two ladies talking about?" Wilbur's voice asked from behind me.

  I turned around and smiled at him.

  This was the first time I had ever seen his hair so messy.

  He let out a yawn or two, before sitting in the chair next to me.

  "Did you sleep well?" he asked me.

  "Yes I did, thank you" I replied.

  I could see his mother smiling from the corner of my eye.

  It was a very genuine smile, and I could now see where Wilbur got it from.

  "How many pancakes would you like?" she asked, flipping one around.

  "Oh please there is no need to make any for me, I am fine" I immediately replied.

  "Hey! You are having breakfast okay? I don't want to hear anything else!" Wilbur said, looking straight into my eyes.

  "Fine" I shrugged "two will be good for me".

  Wilbur's mom then served us both pancakes.

  She had decorated them beautifuly with some syrup, blueberries and banana slices.

  "I'm going to get my phone from upstairs now" I announced as I ate the last blueberry.

  "Okay" Wilbur answered, still eating his food.

  I walked upstairs and made my way quietly into his room.

  I looked around to see where my phone was, until I found it sitting on his desk, still attached to the charger.

  As I picked it up, I noticed a notebook underneath it.

  There were many pictures sketched on it, alongside differant sentences.

  "Time and time, I play the empath" was written in one corner.

  In another corner read "one day, I know that you will be there" and many other things that made no sense.

  On the top of the page was written with bold letters the word lovejoy.
  "I see you found your phone" a voice murmured behind me.

  I instantly turned around, startled to see Wilbur standing there.

  Who knows how long he was there for.

  "I promise I wasn't looking through your things, I just saw my phone on here and then the notebook was right there and-"

  "It's not a big deal" Wilbur stopped me.

  "What?" I asked confused.

  "Even if you were purposely looking through my stuff, I wouldn't mind" he laughed.

  For a second I remained silent, until I realized he actually didn't mind and ended up bursting laughing about the whole situation.

  "Well if you don't mind me asking, what are all these doodles and sentences?" I wondered, pointing at his notebook.

  "Song lyrics, band name ideas... All the stuff I never got to do basically" he explained, lowering his head slowly, dissapointed.

  I felt really bad for him and genuienly believed that he would do great if he had the opportunity.

  "If you ask me, I think all of your ideas are amazing" I tried comforting him.

  And it seemed to work as he turned his head back up and smiled at me.

  "Thank you" he chuckled.

  "Of course, but like... What is really stopping you?" I asked.

  Maybe there was a way to make his dream come true.

  "Well the main reason is my friends not wanting to do this, plus we don't have a place to record" he said, going back to his dissapointed look.

  "You know what. Just give me their phone numbers and I'll make sure they agree on this idea. We'll find a recording place later" I suggested with a big smile on my face.

  "I can give you their numbers, but I'm not sure you can do much about them" he sighed.

  He then wrote three names on a paper, with phone numbers next to them.

  Joe, Ash and Mark were the names.

  "I"ll try my best" I smiled at him.

  He smiled back, and then gave me my bag, violin case and jacket that he had left in a corner of his room.

  He escorted me out and said goodbye before closing the door behind me.

  Once I was home, the first thing I did, was create the three contacts in my phone and then make a groupchat.

  A few minutes later, all three people replied in the chat with a question mark.

  We arranged a time when all four of us could videocall, and well...

  soon enough, the time had come.

  After introducing myself and doing a little bit of persuading, they all agreed.

  The band would become a reality.

  I could not wait to tell Wilbur the great news and give back to him for all that he had done for me these days.

  Author's note: hi everyone! Hope you are enjoying the story so far! If so, make sure to vote and comment:)
Also, just wanted to say thank you for 160 reads! It means a lot:)




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