chapter 7- a rough day

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tw: panic attack

My stress levels were rising.

I had rehearsal in twenty minutes and was still dressed in my pijamas.

I decided I would take a nap a few hours ago and then forgot to set an alarm.

Thankfully, Wilbur called me and I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing.

He just wanted to make sure I was okay, since I hadn't texted him at all today.

If it wasn't for his concern, I would still be sleeping and would completely miss practice.

I quickly got dressed in a pair of sweats, a hoodie and ran out of my house.

Luckily, it wasn't raining, so I could run to university and perhaps get there just in time.

My lungs were giving in, and I was out of breath by the time I reached the university.

5:58 p.m.

I was there just two minutes before rehearsal started, which was bad considering the fact that I should have been here 15 minutes ago.

I made my way into my seat as quick as possible.

Sapnap and Niki were already there, chatting.

"We thought you wouldn't make it! What happened?" Sapnap chuckled.

"I fell asleep" I huffed as I took my violin carefully out of it's case.

"The soloist isn't here today" Niki announced.

As if I wasn't tired enough already, I now had to play the soloist's part.

Thankfully Niki informed me, so I had just an extra minute to mentally prepare myself.

  Things were going smoothly, until halfway through the rehearsal, when one of the string on my violin snapped.

  I panicked at the loud and unexpected sound.

  I had extra strings in my bag, so I rushed to get one.

  Cold sweat ran down my spine as I frantically searched through my stuff.

  This had never happened to me before.

  Pure embarrassment and panic was the only way to explain what I felt.

  Niki grabbed me by my wrist in an attempt to stop me from stressing, but I couldn't stop.

  My hands started shaking uncontrollably and I couldn't breathe.

  Everything around me started going blurry and a loud ringing went off in my ears.

  "Alright everyone, ten minute break" I heard a faint voice behind me.

  And after that, everything went black.

  I opened my eyes, just to find myself sat in one of the chairs on the side of the stage.

  Things still felt kind of blurry, so I wasn't yet able to tell what happened.

  I watched the rehearsal from the side of the stage and waited patiently for someone to tell me what had just happened to me.

  Once practice was finally over, Niki and Sapnap came towards me.

  "Are you okay?" Sapnap asked, taking a seat next to me.

  "I don't even remember what happened" .

  "Your string broke and you panicked so much you ended up passing out" Niki explained.

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