chapter 16- snowy night

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  "What is wrong?" Wilbur frowned, seeing me turn the other way, unable to face him.

  "Nothing" I stuttered in an attempt to shrug off his question.

  But nothing was not a good enough answer.

  "Please tell me. I hate to see you like this love" he said worried, his hand reaching out to me.

  "They haven't told you, have they?" I said, my eyes burning as I tried to keep the tears in.

  "Tell me what?" his confused voice asked.

  "They did some tests to make sure you were alright, but found something really serious"

  "Oh come on! How bad could it be?" he chuckled, but quickly turned silent as he saw that I was serious.

  "Wilbur... You've got a brain tumour, a cancerous one as well. I'm really sorry" I said, hurting as the lump in my throat became bigger and harder to bear.

  Wilbur started laughing, in a maniac kind of way, not believing me.

  "You're not serious, are you?" he asked, his voice softening and his eyebrows narrowing.

  I nodded my head yes, unable to use my voice.

  Wilbur looked at the monitors around him, pure panick rushing through his body.

  My chest became heavier, and my lungs felt like they were shrinking as I looked at him.

  He was beautiful, inside and out.

  A beautiful human being that didn't deserve what he was about to go through.

  "I'm here" I whispered, grabbing his hand in hopes of calming him down.

  His eyes turned back at me, starring directly into mine, searching desperately for hope.

  Any ounce of hope that was left in me.

  As Wilbur fell back asleep, I decided to text Mark and let him and the others know what was going on.

  He has a brain tumour.

  I sent the message and waited for his reply.

  Twenty minutes must have gone by when Mark read and answered my message.

  He asked for the adress of the hospital and let me know him and the others would be visiting Wilbur the following day.

  The same doctor as earlier walked in the room, with a clipboard in his right hand.

  "I have some good news for you" he smiled at me, and in that moment I prayed that some mistake had been made, and Wilbur was actually fine after all.

  But that wasn't the case.

  "He is still in a quite early stage, meaning that his tumour is very curable" the doctor announced.

  I felt a weight come off my back.

  It was curable, there was hope.

  Due to mine and the doctor's chatter, Wilbur woke up.

  "I'll let you two guys talk" the doctor said, leaving us alone in the cold room.

  "Why are you smiling?" his raspy, sleepy voice wondered.

  "Your tumour is treatable Wilbur. You are going to be okay" I said, giving him my biggest and brightest smile.

  He blinked a couple of times in disbelief, eventually laughing relieved to hear the news.


  I took out the notebook from my bag and grabbed a blue pen from the desk next to Wilbur's bed.

  "Okay so, which country do we go to first?" I asked, waiting for him to answer.

  "Well, I think we should do Germany first" Wilbur replied, looking back at me, waiting for my feedback.

  "Yeah! That sounds good" I exclaimed as I took the cap off the pen and wrote down the first country we would be going to on tour.

  As we listed off differant countries, I noticed Wilbur having trouble remembering which places we had already talked about.

  "No, we already talked about France, remember?" I asked concerned.

  Wilbur looked very confused.

  "We did? I can't recall" he said, surprised in himself.

  For a few seconds, the happiness I felt, faded away.

  I knew he would be okay eventually and the doctors would take good care of him, but it was still hard for me to see him this way.

  "Hey, it's okay. Let's talk about this more tomorrow alright?" I suggested, gently rubbing his hand.

  He nodded yes and turned around to look out the window.

  He watched as tiny snowflakes fell to the ground slowly, barely noticable as it was night time.

  That was when I realized it was getting late, and I should go home.

  I felt terrible leaving him in that cold, white room, alone with nothing other than the sound of monitors beeping.

  A steady beat, repeating itself over and over again.

  I walked home, my feet heavy and my mind full of guilt, as if it was my fault he was there.

  It wasn't, obviously.

  But maybe I could have done something to prevent the shock.

  I should've been there for Wilbur when he was rushed to the hospital, but I wasn't.

  As I sat down on my couch, inside my cozy, warm appartment and looked at the asters in the flower pot; I made a promise to myself.

  I would stay close to Wilbur as much as I could, and do my best to make his recovery as bearable as possible.

  Author's note: Hi everyone!

Just wanted to say thank you for almost 400 reads this is insane!! I know this was a short chapter, but I'll get back to writing bigger ones soon!

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