chapter 15- no answer

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  Phone call after phone call.

  Anxiety filled me up as I heard the phone beeping three times once again, without an answer on the other end.

  Wilbur wouldn't pick up his phone.

  This must have been the seventh time I had tried calling him in the past ten minutes.

  I decided to leave my phone aside for a few minutes before calling again.

  My heart was racing at the thoughts of what could have happened to him.

  When I woke up that morning, my phone full of texts from Joe and Ash telling me that Wilbur was nowhere to be seen, I didn't know what to expect.

  I took a few deep breaths before calling his number for the eighth time.

  My heart, once again dropping, after the phone rang three times with no answer.

  Since phone calls didn't seem to be working, I decided to go by his house.

  I stood outside, ringing the bell frantically, in hopes that he would open the door.

  But he didn't.

  And neither did his dad or mom.

  The door remained closed, as many times as I rang the door bell.

  Please, someone I thought to myself.

  Ten minutes were enough for me to lose my patience as no one seemed to be home.

  I dialed his mother's number on my phone, nervous to see if she would pick up.

  This time, the phone only beeped twice, after the sound following an answer.

  "Hello?" his mom's gentle voice said.

  I let out a sigh of relief, hearing her sweet voice answer the phone.

  "Hi! It's me Y/n. Wilbur hasn't been answering his phone and no one seems to be home so I thought I would call you" I explained to her.

  A few seconds of silence followed, before I received an answer from her.

  "Y/n dear, I'm sorry to tell you this but Wilbur had to be rushed to the hospital" she finally answered.

  A lump formed in my throat, making me struggle to breathe for a few seconds.

  Why was he rushed to the hospital?

  Was he okay?

  "Are visitors allowed? I would like to see him" I panicked, hoping for a good answer.

His mom explained that visitor hours were from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.

  I looked at the time that was written on the right top corner of my phone.

  6:45 p.m.

  By the time I would get there, I would have approximately one hour with him.

  So without any second thoughts, I rushed to the nearest bus stop and waited patiently.

  Luckily enough, the bus was there just three minutes after I got there, taking me to the nearest stop to the hospital.

  Once I was there, I rushed to the front office.

  A young woman was there, looking at something on the computer screen.

  "Hi, could you tell me which room Wilbur Soot is staying in?" I panicked.

  The lady raised one eyebrow at me.

  "Only family members are allowed" she scoffed, pinning her eyes back on the screen.

  I felt tiny bits of anger traveling through my body.

  I tried explaining to her that I knew Wilbur and we were good friends.

  Joe was sending me messages at the same time, asking me for every detail.

  There was so much going on.

  I was lucky enough to turn around and see the figure of a woman coming towards me; Wilbur's mother.

  She explained to the secretary that I could go see him, and so I was given the permission by her.

  His mom led the way to his room.

  Room no. 24

  I opened the doors and saw Wilbur laying in the hospital bed, differant wires and tubes attached to him.

  "What happened?" I said, freaking out at the sound of the heart monitors echoing in the quiet room.

  "He had a really bad asthma attack" she explained.

  I looked over at him.

  His eyes closed, as he slowly breathed from his mouth, through the oxygen tube.

  "The doctors said they would be running a few tests on him, so now we have to wait for the results" she added.

  I felt naseous at the sight of him being connected to so many tubes and wires.

  Five monitors, keeping track of everything that was going on inside his body.

  Suddenly, the door behind us, burst open.

  An older looking man, dressed in white robes walked in, with papers in his hands.

  "The results are back. You might need to sit down for this one" his deep voice announced.


  An intense feeling of angst pierced through my chest as the words came out of his mouth.

  A cancerous brain tumour.

  His asthma attack seemed like such a little problem now compared to what it felt like before.

  "We weren't supposed to test for it, but something weird came up in another exam and we decided to give it a look" the doctor explained, lifting his glasses frames back onto the bridge of his nose.

  "I'll give you a moment" he said, leaving the room and shuting the door behind him.

  Wilbur's mom turned around, now facing me.

  Her eyes instantly filled with tears as she looked back at Wilbur.

  He seemed so peaceful, sleeping, not knowing what was going on.

  I leaned towards her, giving her the best hug I could.

  Not just because she needed it, but because I needed it as well.

  I needed a hug so strong, that it would glue all the now broken heart pieces inside me back together.

  But in that moment, a hug like that didn't seem to exist.

  "He is my only son" Wilbur's mom cried, shoving her face into my neck.

  I gently rubbed her back, trying to give some type of comfort, but on a real note; was a back rub really going to give comfort? It wasn't. 

  I noticed, as Wilbur's eyes opened slowly.

  His mom decided she wasn't ready to face him yet, so she stepped outside.

  I was left alone in the room with him.

  "Y/n! What a lovely surprise" he yawned.

  Hearing his voice was such a relief.

  I knew he was doing okay, for now, but I still needed some type of validation for that.

  It was really hard to pretend, but I did my best to keep my tears back.

  Tears of pity.

  Poor Wilbur had no idea.

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