chapter 6- rehearsal

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I woke up the next morning, surprisingly happy.

Something that never really happened to me.

I decided that today I would be more productive than any other day.

I checked my phone before getting out of bed.

I pressed on the "messages" app as I saw there was one new notification there.

A message from Wilbur.

"Had lot's of fun yesterday! Would definitely love to do that again sometime if you'd like that as well!?" said the text.

"Couldn't agree more:)" I replied and placed my phone back on my nightstand.

As I had my breakfast, I noticed Beth in her garden again.

I opened my window slightly so she could see me.

"Good morning!" I smiled at her.

At first she seemed a bit confused, as she hadn't noticed me.

But as soon as she spotted me, her face lit up with a bright smile.

"Good morning dear" she waved her hand and went back to watering the plants.

As I was finishing my food, I heard the notification sound from my phone.

I quickly ran to my room, happy to see that Wilbur had replied.

"What about today?" read his text.

Today sounded great, until I remembered that I had orchestra rehearsal around 6 p.m.

"I've got rehearsal, sorry:/" I answered.

  I felt bad saying that, as I really want to see him again, but couldn't.

  "No worries dear:)" he said.

  His reply gave me comfort.

  At least he didn't mind waiting a bit longer, unlike me who couldn't.

It was now 5:15 p.m.

My university was only a ten minute walk from my house, so I didn't have to leave just yet.

Suddenly, rain started falling.

I was kind of shocked since I had checked the weather forecast earlier and rain was not mentioned.

I didn't know how I would be able to get to rehearsal since I didn't have an umbrella.

I wouldn't mind getting a little bit of rain on me, but that would end up getting my violin case wet, which is something not worth risking.

I looked at my phone.

An idea came into mind, but I felt kind of embarrassed about it.

Maybe I could text Wilbur, and ask him to take me there.

He was my only friend at the moment, therefore my only choice.

"Hey, could you possibly take me to rehearsal? I don't have an umbrella".

I sent the text and hoped he would see it soon and agree.

A few minutes later, I got a reply.

"Sure thing! I'll be there in 20' " .

His timing was actually pretty convenient, since I would get to rehearsal 15 minutes earlier just like I was planning too.

Soon enough, twenty minutes had gone by and Wilbur was outside my house.

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