chapter 21- blurry

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  Jack, Ranboo and I were sat on the plastic chairs outside of Wilbur's room, waiting patiently for him to wake up, while Tommy, Tubbo and George went to the nearest bakery to grab some snacks.

  "I spoke to his doctor last night, he said that if Wilbur continues like this he could be out soon" Ranboo said, rearranging his sunglasses.

  "That's really good to know" I sighed.

  Although it didn't sound like it, it was a sigh of relief, knowing that Wilbur was doing better.

  Suddenly, the smell of freshly baked muffins permeated the corridor.

  George, Tubbo and Tommy walked towards us, with paper bags in their arms.

  Tubbo handed me the bag that was in his arms, signaling me to eat what was in it.

  Blueberry muffins.

  I was starving, my stomach was making strange noises, begging for food.

  I ate the muffins and finally felt full.

  "How's Will?" George asked.

  "Good. Did you guys see him last night? They gave him a differant robe, and it had purple flowers on it" I laughed as I looked over at Jack who was with me last night and also saw Will.

  "It had blue flowers on it" George argued.

  "Nope, sorry George but they were purple" Jack laughed at him.

  "Well... I'm colorblind" George shrugged.

  It was actually a fun fact I learned about him during his stay in the hospital.

  Although they had stayed for three days, I was more than grateful for their company.

  Being alone in here was very mentally draining; at least they made it feel less exhausting and rather, more enjoyable.

  After a while of eating and waiting, we decided we should check on Wilbur.

  I went in first, as I hadn't gotten the chance to really talk to him with everyone being around.

  "Good morning dear" the familiar voice instantly said as I walked in.

  "Good morning" I smiled, hoping that the little light that was in the room was enough for him to see my face.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed next to him.

  "Honestly, I am in a bit of pain" he complained.

  "The doctor said that is normal" Ranboo explained as he let himself and the others in.

  I turned around slowly to look at him, slightly angry about the fact he interrupted us.

  "Sorry" he said in a voice picthed slightly higher than normal as he raised his hands, trying to show his innocence.

  It's okay I nodded.

  We stayed with Wilbur for a while, talking about how crazy these past weeks have been.

  I could feel my head slowly falling forward, as I hadn't slept in days and was tired.

  I tried shrugging it off, pretending that I was fine while in reality I was extremely exhausted.

  "Go home. Get some rest love" Wilbur said, noticing me drift off slowly.

  "I don't want to leave you here" I whispered, my voice too weak to speak any louder.

  "Don't worry about me, I have the boys" Wilbur chuckled, assuring me he would be fine.

Meant to be (a wilbur soot fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now