Chapter 18

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You should see me in a crown By Billie Eilish

*Little bit of Violence*


Maybe I should've said no.

Niall is so sweet to me, but maybe this was a bad idea, not because of the dinner it's because I'll be seeing Harry and Diana together.

I'm not fucking jealous, I just can't stand that bitch, yes I'm still calling her that I don't fucking care.

I was happy she wasn't invited to Vegas because if she was I probably wouldn't of went. I wonder if the other guys like her, I don't think so but I'm not sure. I hope she isn't cruel to me tonight, maybe I should just get drunk so I can forget she's with us. But no way that won't happen, I'm never gonna get drunk again, or just not when he's around. I don't wanna put that memory in my head again as I'm getting dressed.

Violet gave Niall my number which is completely fine because I kinda need it. So he can tell me when he's here, and I don't have the other two, and I don't want it.

I just did my hair and makeup, I straighten my hair and for my makeup, it's light bronze eye and a nude lip. I put on my dress now, Niall said it's pretty fancy, thank god I have a few dresses like that. I'm wearing a white dress and the sleeves are off the shoulders, and it has a little slip in the leg, and I'm pairing it with my black heels as I always do.

 I'm wearing a white dress and the sleeves are off the shoulders, and it has a little slip in the leg, and I'm pairing it with my black heels as I always do

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After I'm done getting dressed I put on some deodorant, spray some perfume on, its Marc Jacob's daisy dream it's smells heavenly.

Five minutes later, I get a text from Niall saying there here so I grab my purse and black coat, lock the door and head out.

I'm praying the night will be fine.

I walkout out and I see Niall opening the door of Harry's Range Rover. He's so sweet for doing that, and yes we're just friends nothing more, I don't feel that way about him.

"Hey Ruby, you look great," he says while hugging me.

"Thanks, Niall, you don't look so bad yourself" Niall is very handsome he's wearing glasses tonight which look great on him, and a black suit.

I get in the car and I see Diana in the back, and Harry in the driver seat, and Niall's getting in the car now. Harry doesn't even say anything, I don't expect him to but he turns around to look at me, then quickly faces back around.

"Just so you know, I'm not fucking happy," Diana says to me right when I buckle my seatbelt.

If she's gonna keep acting like this, I'm gonna slap her.

"If you have a fucking problem then you can kindly get the fuck out," Niall says turning his head towards her.

I couldn't help but laugh, I also see from the corner of my eye, Harry laughing as well, she just huffs and crosses her arms, and stares out the window. Why does she always have to act like this? I haven't done shit to her, I thought she was nice to me at first when we met, but I was completely wrong. Even though she's a bitch, she does look pretty tonight, she's wearing a black strapless tight long dress, her hair is down in curls, but her boobs are spilling out of the dress, Harry probably liked that.

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