Chapter 70

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The City By The 1975

I can't believe I'm finally saying this, but we've hit a big stretch mark of Electric Box almost being over.

2 Weeks Later


"Hey guys" I stop them all turning around. "Not gonna lie, I'm so fucking petrified"

"Oh honey, don't back out" Bella softly says as we're all out in the cold and she places a hand on my stiff shoulder trying to relax. "You've wanted this for years, we know you can do this, we're all here for your support"

"I understand" I nod. "And I appreciate you all so very much, but gosh I'm so fucking nervous"

"Babe, it'll be fine," Joey says light as a feather. "Zayn has been a tattoo artist since he was eight teen years old, he knows what he's doing trust me, he felt so honored that the first tattoo you're gonna get is from him"


I'm getting my first tattoo done today.

And I swear I think I'm gonna pass out, or vomit, or maybe even both. I felt so nauseous this morning that I could barely hold in my breakfast.

I've been wanting this special, meaningful tattoo for literally years now. It's a half angel wing on the side on my left shoulder and inside the wing are my parent's names.

Having needles in me for about twenty minutes or so wasn't on the agenda.

But you can't always get what you want, if you want a tattoo, needles come with the price.

"He's right" Bella adds. "Zayn knows everything when it comes to tattoos, he was gifted for this talent, he also made sure everything was sterilized on that end if you're curious. you do trust him right?"

"Yes I do trust Zayn" I surprise myself but I do trust Zayn on this, not sure about other stuff, but on this of course. "But do you think I chose a bad spot to get my tattoo? I wanted it on my rib at first, but then I changed it, should I-"

"Ruby, honey calm down, breathe," Violet says interrupting my almost heart attack. "Don't get stressed out, your heart rate needs to be steady, and it's your personal decision, but I think getting it on your back shoulder is the best option it makes more sense since it's an angel wing"

"I hope Harry gets here soon"

That's my first instinct.

My second is he is so right.

"Honey, he'll be here, he wouldn't miss this for the world, he couldn't stop talking about it to me this whole week, it's..." Joey says looking at his phone. "It's two fifty now and school gets out at three he'll be here soon I promise"

It's Friday so Grey is with his father today which is good because I don't want my 6 year old son to be at the tattoo shop, but he does know about the tattoo and he totally loves the idea, same with my grandparents, and yes Finn does know too, when we were dating I told him about it and he was very supportive.

Speaking of Finn, recently he's been very strange to me like very mind blowingly strange.

It's been for a while now since December and now we're going into January it's been two weeks already, and every time I've seen him when he picks up Greyson he smiles at me and wants to talk.

Like today for instance, he told me I looked pretty in my pink flannel, and how he loved my hair in a messy bun...yeah, strange.

Somethings off, or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself, and maybe he does finally realize what an asshole he's being and wants to change since I'm the mother of his child.

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